Historical Content

The background of the story for the three edutainment installations are certain events or periods in history related to the Leopoldsberg, Vienna. The site Leopoldsberg was already settled in prehistoric time (Iron Age) due to its beneficial strategic situation at the river Danube. On this strategic point a castle was built in the Mediaeval that played a major role during historic times. The Leopoldsberg is related to the battles to free Vienna from the Turkish occupation and many myths were created to enhance its specific importance. Up to today the site changed its face in manifold manner and became a famous viewpoint for tourists and day-trippers. Here is a brief overview of the epochs and themes that were considered for the content.


Celtic Craftsman

The Celts

  • Settlements on Leopoldsberg
  • Construction of pile dwellings
  • Keeping of livestock and pets
  • Jewelry and the importance of iron
  • An ancient sword from the 9th century BC
Leopold VI


  • Construction of the castle on Leopoldsberg
  • Duchess Gertrud and the loss of power of the Babenbergers
  • View to the medieval Vienna
  • The "Schleierlegende", a famous legend about the construction of the monastery in Klosterneuburg
Sultan Süleyman I


  • First Turkish occupation of Vienna
  • Historic paintings and their interpretation, like the Meldemann panorama.
  • Wine growing
  • Blasting of the castle
Old Church


  • Construction of the church on Leopoldsberg
  • The plague outbreak of 1679
  • Renaming of Kahlenberg into Leopoldsberg
  • Body care
Biedermeier Day-Trippers

Biedermeier Time

  • Excursions to Leopoldsberg and favored leisure time activities
  • Joseph de Ligne, the landlord of the castle
  • Famous visitors: Kaiser Franz, Zar Alexander, Kaiserin Elisabeth, Grillparzer
  • Meals and beverages used for picnics
Touring Zeitung

20th Century

  • Construction of the "Höhenstrasse", the street going up to Leopoldsberg
  • Not realized projects like Walhalla and the Walter v.d. Vogelweide memorial
  • Changing attitudes for historical events like the Turkish occupation throughout the last centuries and the dealing with various memorials.
  • Re-construction of the church on Leopoldsberg