To implement and develop novel methods for reconstruction and visualisation of 3D Data in different grid structures


  • FWF P 18547-N04


15 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Erald Vucini
On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-uniform Point Sets
Supervisor: Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Torsten Möller
Duration: 2006 — 2009
Erald Vucini, Torsten Möller, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
On Visualization and Reconstruction from Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-splines
Computer Graphics Forum, 28(3):1007-1014, June 2009. [] [image]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
We compare the resulting features for the standard lambda2 and the delocalized lambda2 criterion. Raphael Fuchs, Ronald Peikert, Filip Sadlo, Bilal Alsallakh, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Delocalized Unsteady Vortex Region Detectors
In Proceedings VMV 2008, pages 81-90. October 2008.
Conference Paper
We illustrate some of the extensions to vortex region analysis discussed throughout this thesis. (1) We start with binary vortex detectors. It is hard to understand where the structures originate and how they are related  to the geometry. (2) Using non-binary vortex detectors we can select only the parts of the volume that  contain relevant structures. (3) By combining multiple criteria it is possible to refine the selection further and it becomes obvious that the gaskets between cylinder head and body are of critical importance. (4) Using delocalization we can further refine the selection and remove noise from the results. Raphael Fuchs
The Visible Vortex - Interactive Analysis and Extraction of Vortices in Large Time-Dependent Flow Data Sets
Supervisor: Helwig HauserORCID iD
Duration: June 2006 — October 2008
Erald Vucini, Torsten Möller, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Efficient Reconstruction from Non-uniform Point Sets
The Visual Computer, 24(7-9):555-563, July 2008. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Raphael Fuchs, Ronald Peikert, Helwig HauserORCID iD, Filip Sadlo, Philipp Muigg
Parallel Vectors Criteria for Unsteady Flow Vortices
TVCG, 14(3):615-626, May 2008. [Paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Zsolt Toth, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Andrej Ferko, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
N-dimensional Data-Dependent Reconstruction Using Topological Changes
In Proceedings of TopoInVis 2005, Topology-based Methods in Visualization, pages 183-198. September 2007.
Conference Paper
Christoph Heinzl, Johann Kastner, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Surface Extraction from Multi-Material Components for Metrology using Dual Energy CT
TR-186-2-07-06, May 2007 [paper]
Technical Report
Erald Vucini, Muhittin Gökmen, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Face Recognition under Varying Illumination
In 15th WSCG 2007, pages 57-64. January 2007.
Conference Paper
Multiple views and smooth brushing for vortex analysis Raphael Bürger, Philipp Muigg, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig HauserORCID iD
Interactive cross-detector analysis of vortical flow data
In Proceedings of CMV 2007, pages 98-110. 2007.
Conference Paper
A glyph based visualization of flow through a cooling jacket. The design of the casket causes a strong vortex that increases mixing of hot and cold fluid. Raphael Bürger, Philipp Muigg, Martin IlčíkORCID iD, Helmut Doleisch, Helwig HauserORCID iD
Integrating Local Feature Detectors in the Interactive Visual Analysis of Flow Simulation Data
In Proceedings of Eurographics/ IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2007, pages 171-178. 2007.
[Paper] [Presentation] [Video]
Conference Paper
Visualization research is developing from classical 3D structured scalar visualization. the use of techniques that allow the visualization of time-dependent, complex and multi-variate data in a useful way will be a key to successful visualization applications in the future. Raphael Bürger, Helwig HauserORCID iD
Visualization of Multi-variate Scientific Data
In EuroGraphics 2007 State of the Art Reports (STARs), pages 117-134. 2007.
[Paper] [Slides (Updated)]
Conference Paper
image Christoph Heinzl, Johann Kastner, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Reproducible Surface Extraction for Variance Comparison in 3D Computed Tomography
In Proceedings of 9th European Congress on Non-Destructive Testing (ECNDT 2006). September 2006.
Conference Paper
Peter Rautek, Balázs Csébfalvi, Sören Grimm, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
D²VR: High Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data
In Proceedings of Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pages 211-218. May 2006.
Conference Paper
Christoph Heinzl, Roman Klingesberger, Johann Kastner, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Robust Surface Detection for Variance Comparison and Dimensional Measurement
In Proceedings of Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pages 75-82. 2006.
Conference Paper
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