Image |
Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
1995 |
Christian Faisstnauer, Tomasz Mazuryk
Tracker Library: Handling VR Input Devices
TR-186-2-95-18, December 1995 |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, Thomas Galla, Werner Purgathofer
ACSGM -- An adaptive CSG meshing algorithm
TR-186-2-95-13, December 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Rainer Wegenkittl, Alexandra Milik, Alexia Prskawetz, Gustav Feichtinger, Warren C. Sanderson
The Geometry of Wonderland
TR-186-2-95-17, December 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, Helwig Löffelmann , Thomas Galla, Werner Purgathofer
BABEL: A Generic Data structure for Geometric Modeling
TR-186-2-95-07, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz, Peter Stieglecker
Optimizing Communication in Distributed Virtual Environments
by Specialized Protocols
TR-186-2-95-14, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer, Tomasz Mazuryk
Constructing a Highly Immersive Virtual Environment: A
Case Study
TR-186-2-95-12, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Manfred Kopp
Lossless Wavelet Based Image Compression with Adaptive 2D
TR-186-2-95-11, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , R. T. Rau, Wolfgang Straßer
Simulation und Darstellung computergenerierter Strickware
TR-186-2-95-15, November 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Implementing Gibsonian Virtual Environments
TR-186-2-95-10, October 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Vojtech Jankovic, Ruzicky Eugen, Eduard Gröller
Heterogenous Morphing of Multimodal Medical Information
In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns. September 1995.
Conference Paper |
Michael Gervautz, Dieter Schmalstieg
Computer Animation and Visualization - Current Status and Trends
In Proceedings of EUROSIM. September 1995.
Conference Paper |
Michael Zeiller, Werner Purgathofer , Michael Gervautz
Efficient Collision Detection for General CSG Objects
In Computer Animation' 95. August 1995.
Conference Paper |
László Neumann, Martin Feda, Manfred Kopp, Werner Purgathofer
A New Stochastic Radiosity Method for Highly Complex Scenes
In In Photorealistic Rendering Techniques, pages 201-213, August 1995
Article in a Book |
Tomasz Mazuryk, Michael Gervautz
Two-Step Prediction and Image Deflection for Exact Head-Tracking in Virtual Environments
In Proceedings of Eurographics, pages 29-41. August 1995.
Conference Paper |
László Neumann, Robert F. Tobler, Pavol Elias
The Constant Radiosity Step
In Rendering Techniques. July 1995.
Conference Paper |
Tomasz Mazuryk, Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Zoom Rendering: Accelerating 3-D Rendering Performance
With 2-D Operations
TR-186-2-95-09, July 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
Towards a virtual environment for interactive world building
TR-186-2-95-08, June 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Christoph Traxler , Michael Gervautz
Calculation of tight bounding volumes for cyclic CSG-graphs
In Proceedings of 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Pavol Elias, Attila Neumann, Werner Purgathofer
View Dependent Solution for Monte Carlo Progressive Refinement Radiosity
In Proceedings of 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael Gervautz
On System Architectures for Virtual Environments
In Proceedings of the 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Generating Semi-Stochastic Threshold Matrices for Ordered Dithering
In Proceedings of 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Martin Feda, N. Kohlert
Reducing Shadow Leaks without Explicit Meshing
In Proceedings of the 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Martin Feda
Improving the Visual Quality of Intermediate Radiosity Images
In Proceedings of the 11th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. May 1995.
Conference Paper |
Pietro Acquisto, Eduard Gröller
A Distortion Camera for Ray Tracing
TR-186-2-95-05, March 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Ray Tracing with Extended Cameras
TR-186-2-95-06, March 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Werner Purgathofer
Coherence in Computer Graphics
TR-186-2-95-04, March 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Manfred Kopp
Efficient filter computation with symmetric matrix kernels
Proceedings of Winter School on Compuer Graphics (WSCG):153-161, February 1995. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Parametrizing Superquadrics
Proceedings of WSCG:162-172, February 1995. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Martin Feda
Speeding Up Progressive Radiosity by Overshooting
In Proceedings of the Winter School of Computer Graphics and Visualization (WSCG). February 1995.
Conference Paper |
Eduard Gröller , Herbert Oppolzer
Attract - Interactive Visualization of Dynamical Systems
Proceedings of WSCG'95:93-102, February 1995. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Robert F. Tobler, Helwig Löffelmann , Werner Purgathofer
VEGA: Vienna Environment for Graphics Applications
Proceedings of Winter School on Compuer Graphics (WSCG), February 1995. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Eduard Gröller
Interactive Exploration of Dynamical Systems
In Proceedings of Visual Data Exploration and Analysis II, In IS&T/SPIE Proceedings, pages 132-138. February 1995.
Conference Paper |
Georg Fischel, Eduard Gröller
Visualization of Local Stability of Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-95-2, January 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
TR-186-2-95-3, January 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller
Interactive Exploration of Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-95-1, January 1995 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Michael Gervautz, Christoph Traxler
Representation and Realistic Rendering of Natural Phenomena with Cyclic CSG-Graphs
Visual Computer, 11, 1995. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Manfred Geiler
Improved Matrices for Ordered Dithering
In Graphics Gems V, 1995
Article in a Book |
Eduard Gröller
Visualisierung dynamischer Systeme unter Berücksichtigung lokaler Eigenschaften,
1995, TU Wien, Austria
Invited Talk |
Ingeborg Tastl
Psychophysikalische Studien zur empfindungsgemäßen Gleichförmigkeit des erweiterten CIELUV Farbsystems
Supervisor: Werner Purgathofer
Duration: — 1995
PhD-Thesis |
Martin Feda
A Monte-Carlo Approach for Galerkin Radiosity,
1995, University of Girona, Spain
Invited Talk |
Robert F. Tobler
ACSGM: An Adaptive CSG Meshing Algorithm,
1995, University of Girona, Spain
Invited Talk |
Christoph Traxler
X-Mas 1995
X-Mas Card |
Eduard Gröller
Application of Visualization Techniques to Chaotic Dynamical Systems
In Visualization in Scientific Computing, pages 62-71, 1995
Article in a Book |
Martin Feda
Improving Intermediate Radiosity Images Using Directional Light
In Graphics Gems V, 1995
Article in a Book |
Martin Feda
Monte-Carlo Radiosity und Galerkin Radiosity zur Erzeugung photorealistischer Computerbilder,
1995, University of Rostock, Deutschland
Invited Talk |
Martin Feda
Realistic Image Rendering by Higher Order Radiosity,
1995, University of Bristol, UK
Invited Talk |
Eduard Gröller
Visualisierung komplexer dynamischer Systeme,
1995, Universität Tübingen, Deutschland
Invited Talk |
Werner Purgathofer , Michael Zeiller
CSG based Collision Detection
In Graphics & Robotics, pages 59-72, 1995
Article in a Book |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Attila Neumann, Pavol Elias, Martin Feda, Xavier Pueyo
The Stochastic Ray Method for Radiosity
In Rendering Techniques. 1995.
Conference Paper |
Eduard Gröller
Visualisierung für das lokale und globale Verhalten komplexer dynamischer Systeme,
1995, Feldberg, BRD
Invited Talk |