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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
1998 |
Michael Wimmer , Dieter Schmalstieg
Load Balancing for Smooth LODs
TR-186-2-98-31, December 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Francois Faure, Michael Gervautz
Occlusion in Collaborative Augmented Environments
TR-186-2-98-29, December 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Dieter Schmalstieg, L. Miguel Encarnação, Zsolt Szalavári
Using Transparent Props for Interaction with the Virtual
TR-186-2-98-25, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Löffelmann , Thomas Theußl, Andreas König, Eduard Gröller
Smurf -- a Smart surface model
for advanced visualization techniques
TR-186-2-98-26, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
A Spectral Extension to the Tag Image File Format
TR-186-2-98-28, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helmut Mastal, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Radiosity--Calculations for Rotational Surfaces
TR-186-2-98-27, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler
Designing a Parallel Object Oriented Graphics Framework
TR-186-2-98-34, September 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos
Stochastic Iteration for Non-diffuse Global Illumination
TR-186-2-98-21, August 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos
Stochastic Methods in Global Illumination - State of the Art Report
TR-186-2-98-23, August 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos, Werner Purgathofer
Analysis of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration of the Rendering Equation
TR-186-2-98-24, August 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos
Global Ray-bundle Tracing
TR-186-2-98-18, July 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos
Object-Oriented Framework and Methodology to Process Visualisation
System Development
TR-186-2-98-19, July 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Neumann, Attila Neumann, László Szirmay-Kalos
Analysis and Pumping of the Albedo Function
TR-186-2-98-20, July 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Neumann, Attila Neumann, László Szirmay-Kalos
New Simple Reflectance Models for Metals and other Specular Materia
TR-186-2-98-17, July 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Siegrun Berger, Eduard Gröller
Color-Table Animation of Fast Oriented Line Integral
for Vector Field Visualization
TR-186-2-98-22, July 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, László Neumann, Mateu Sbert, Werner Purgathofer
A new Form Factor Analogy and its Application to
Stochastic Global Illumination Algorithms
TR-186-2-98-33, June 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Anton Fuhrmann, Eduard Gröller
Real-TimeTechniques for 3D Flow Visualization
TR-186-2-98-16, May 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Stephan Mantler, Dieter Schmalstieg
Dynamic Load Balancing in Distributed Virtual Environments
TR-186-2-98-13, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Bringing Your Visualization Application to the Internet
TR-186-2-98-14, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Lukas Mroz, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Selected Trends in Scientific Visualization
TR-186-2-98-15, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Gerd Hesina, Dieter Schmalstieg
A Network Architecture for Remote Rendering
TR-186-2-98-02, April 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Löffelmann , Helmut Doleisch, Eduard Gröller
Visualizing Dynamical Systems near Critical Points
TR-186-2-98-09, March 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Silvia Castro, Andreas König, Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Transfer Function Specification for the Visualization of
Medical Data
TR-186-2-98-12, March 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Helwig Löffelmann , Rainer Wegenkittl
Visualization of Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-98-07, February 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Eduard Gröller , Helwig Löffelmann , Rainer Wegenkittl
Visualization of Analytically Defined Dynamical
TR-186-2-98-06, February 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Horst Otto Meinhart, Rainer Wegenkittl, Eduard Gröller
TunVis: Visualizing specific geologic features for
tunnel planning and construction
TR-186-2-98-08, February 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Manfred Kopp, Werner Purgathofer
Interleaved Dimension Decomposition
TR-186-2-98-03, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Zsolt Szalavári, Erik Eckstein, Michael Gervautz
Collaborative Gaming in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-98-10, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Andreas König, Eduard Gröller
Real Time Simulation and Visualization of NC Milling
Processes for Inhomogeneous Materials on Low-End Graphics Hardware
TR-186-2-98-04, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helwig Löffelmann , Eduard Gröller
Enhancing the Visualization of Characteristic Structures
in Dynamical Systems
TR-186-2-98-05, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Anton Fuhrmann, Michael Gervautz, Helwig Löffelmann , Dieter Schmalstieg
Collaborative Visualization in Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-98-01, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, Erik Eckstein
Collaborative Gaming in Augmented Reality, Proceedings of VRST'98, pp.195-204, November 2-5, 1998
Miscellaneous Publication |
S. Hynst, Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler
Linearly Combining Shading Models for Texturing in Global Illumination Algorithms
In Proceedings of the WinterSchool of Computer Graphics, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Augmented Reality Enabled Collaborative Work in "Studierstube"
Abstract, EURO-VR'97 conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Nov. 10-11, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Martin Schönhacker
Presenting Dynamic Tactile Bitmap Graphics Using a Standard Braille Character Glyph Display
in: A.D.N. Edwards, A. Arato, W. Zagler (eds.), Computers and Assistive Technology - ICCHP'98, Proceedings of the XV. IFIP World Computer Congress, 31 August - 4 September 1998, Vienna/Austria and Budapest/Hungary, OCG Schriftenreihe Band 118, pp.141-147. <p>Paluszny, M., Buehler, K.: Canal surfaces and inversive geometry. (English) Daehlen, Morten (ed.) et al., Mathematical methods for curves and surfaces II. Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt Univ. Press. 367-374 (1998). MSC 1991: *65D17
Miscellaneous Publication |
Alexander Wilkie
X-Mas 1998
X-Mas Card |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Studierstube - An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality - Systems, Development and Applications, Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 37-49, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Dieter Schmalstieg, L. Miguel Encarnação
A Transparent Personal Interaction Panel for the Virtual Table
Computergraphik Topics, pp. 19-20, Vol. 10., No. 5, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Darmstadt, Germany, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Günther Raidl, Gabriele Koller
Genetic Algorithms for the Multiple Container Packing Problem
Proc. of the 5th Int. Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer LNCS 1498, pp. 875-884, September 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Günther Raidl, Gabriele Koller
Evolutionary Optimized Tensor Product Bernstein Polynomials versus Backpropagation Networks
Proc. of the Int. ICSC/IFAC Symposium on Neural Computation, Vienna, Austria, pp. 885-890, September 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Günther Raidl, C. Wurm
Approximation with Evolutionary Optimized Tensor Product Bernstein Polynomials
Proc. of the Int. Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Industry: From Theory to Practice, High Tatras, Slovakia, pp. 247-256, April 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Peter Wonka , Michael Gervautz
Raytracing of nonlinear fractals
WSCG Plzen 1998 Proceedings, pp. 424-431, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Interaktion mit virtuellen Informationen in realen Umgebungen - das "Personal Interaction Panel"
Arbeiten und begreifen: Neue Mensch-Maschine - Schnittstellen, lit-Verlag, pp. 147-158, Germany, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Photon Radiosity Lightmaps for CSG Solids
In Proceedings of the CSG98 conference "CSG98 - Set theoretic Solid Modelling Techniques and Applications", Ammerdown, UK, April 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz
Studierstube - An Environment for Collaboration in Augmented Reality
Virtual Reality: Research, Development & Applications, (3): pp. 37-48, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Robert F. Tobler
Designing a Parallel Object Oriented Graphics Framework
In the Proceedings of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Parallel Rendering and Visualisation, Rennes, September 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Mateu Sbert, Robert F. Tobler
A new Form Factor Analogy and its Application to Stochastic Global Illumination Algorithms
In Rendering Techniques 98, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Mateu Sbert, Robert F. Tobler
A New Formfactor Analogy
In Rendering Techniques´98 (ed. G.Drettakis, N.Max), Springer-Verlag, Wien, July 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Günther Raidl, Ingeborg Tastl
Transforming an Analytically Defined Color Space to Match Psychophysically Gained Color Distances
Proc. of the SPIE's 10th Int. Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology, San Jose, CA, January 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , László Szirmay-Kalos
Ray-bundle Tracing with Metropolis Sampling and Hardware Acceleration
In Rendering Techniques´98 (ed. G.Drettakis, N.Max), Springer-Verlag, Wien, July 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |