- Publication Type: Technical Report
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s): not specified
- Date: January 1999
- Number: TR-186-2-99-01
- Keywords: termination prediction, radiosity, human perception
This technical report presents a heuristic
perceptually-based termination criterion for a
stochastic radiosity algorithms. The proposed
criterion makes it possible to terminate the
iterative radiosity simulation as soon as any
further changes of the radiosity solution are
predicted not to be noticed by the human
observer. We use tone mapping operators and
perceptually uniform CIE L*u*v* colour space to
arrive at the difference of displayed values. In
order to decide when to stop the iterations of the
radiosity method, we evaluate the least squares fit
of a power function to the error distribution data.
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title = "Perceptually-Driven Termination for Stochastic
author = "Jan Prikryl and Werner Purgathofer",
year = "1999",
abstract = "This technical report presents a heuristic
perceptually-based termination criterion for a stochastic
radiosity algorithms. The proposed criterion makes it
possible to terminate the iterative radiosity simulation as
soon as any further changes of the radiosity solution are
predicted not to be noticed by the human observer. We use
tone mapping operators and perceptually uniform CIE L*u*v*
colour space to arrive at the difference of displayed
values. In order to decide when to stop the iterations of
the radiosity method, we evaluate the least squares fit
of a power function to the error distribution
month = jan,
number = "TR-186-2-99-01",
address = "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
University of Technology ",
note = "human contact:",
keywords = "termination prediction, radiosity, human perception",
URL = "",