
  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2005
  • Event:
  • Location: Universität Tübingen
  • Conference date: 21. October 2005 –


Recent developments of graphics hardware for PCs have heavily influenced computer graphics programming. Making optimal use of the very efficient hardware features enables real-time rendering of more and more complex scenes. Several strategies are exploited: optimal workload distribution between CPU and GPU, visibility culling, geometric simplifications, textures, and image-based rendering. The talk gives an overview of these strategies and describes some results from the Vienna Graphics Group in more detail.

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  title =      "Some Speedup Techniques for Rendering",
  author =     "Werner Purgathofer",
  year =       "2005",
  abstract =   "Recent developments of graphics hardware for PCs have
               heavily influenced computer graphics programming. Making
               optimal use of the very efficient hardware features enables
               real-time rendering of more and more complex scenes. Several
               strategies are exploited: optimal workload distribution
               between CPU and GPU, visibility culling, geometric
               simplifications, textures, and image-based rendering. The
               talk gives an overview of these strategies and describes
               some results from the Vienna Graphics Group in more detail.",
  event =      " ",
  location =   "Universit\"{a}t T\"{u}bingen",
  URL =        "",