
  • Publication Type: Conference Paper
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2007
  • ISBN: 9783905673456
  • Lecturer: Raphael Bürger
  • Editor: K. Museth, T. Möller, A. Ynnerman
  • Booktitle: Proceedings of Eurographics/ IEEE-VGTC Symposium on Visualization 2007
  • Pages: 171 – 178
  • Keywords: Interactive visual analysis, Fuzzy classifier, Vortex detector, Cooling jacket


We present smooth formulations of common vortex detectors that allow a seamless integration into the concept of interactive visual analysis of flow simulation data. We express the originally binary feature detectors as fuzzy-sets that can be combined using the linking and brushing concepts of interactive visual analysis. Both interaction and visualization gain from having multiple detectors concurrently available and from the ability to combine them. An application study on automotive data reveals how these vortex detectors combine and perform in praxis.

Additional Files and Images

Additional images and videos

Figure1: Combination of smooth featrue detectors and interactive visual analysis Figure1: Combination of smooth featrue detectors and interactive visual analysis
Figure2: Major components of flow through the cooling jacket Figure2: Major components of flow through the cooling jacket
Figure3: A feature based focus+context visualizaion showing regions of near stagnant, hot flow with medium to high levels of the lambda2 vortex detector Figure3: A feature based focus+context visualizaion showing regions of near stagnant, hot flow with medium to high levels of the lambda2 vortex detector
Figure4: Turbulent region behind cooling jacket gasket Figure4: Turbulent region behind cooling jacket gasket
Vortex: A glyph based visualization of flow through a cooling jacket. The design of the casket causes a strong vortex that increases mixing of hot and cold fluid. Vortex: A glyph based visualization of flow through a cooling jacket. The design of the casket causes a strong vortex that increases mixing of hot and cold fluid.

Additional files

Presentation: Presentation given at EuroVis07 Conference Presentation: Presentation given at EuroVis07 Conference
Video: This video shows basic ideas and results and demonstrates the interactiveness of the approach. Video: This video shows basic ideas and results and demonstrates the interactiveness of the approach.


No further information available.


  title =      "Integrating Local Feature Detectors in the Interactive
               Visual Analysis of Flow Simulation Data",
  author =     "Raphael B\"{u}rger and Philipp Muigg and Martin
               Il\v{c}\'{i}k and Helmut Doleisch and Helwig Hauser",
  year =       "2007",
  abstract =   "We present smooth formulations of common vortex detectors
               that allow a seamless integration into the concept of
               interactive visual analysis of flow simulation data. We
               express the originally binary feature detectors as
               fuzzy-sets that can be combined using the linking and
               brushing concepts of interactive visual analysis. Both
               interaction and visualization gain from having multiple
               detectors concurrently available and from the ability to
               combine them. An application study on automotive data
               reveals how these vortex detectors combine and perform in
  isbn =       "9783905673456",
  editor =     "K. Museth, T. M\"{o}ller, A. Ynnerman",
  booktitle =  "Proceedings of Eurographics/ IEEE-VGTC Symposium on
               Visualization 2007",
  pages =      "171--178",
  keywords =   "Interactive visual analysis, Fuzzy classifier, Vortex
               detector, Cooling jacket",
  URL =        "",