- Publication Type: Master Thesis
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
- Date: 2007
- Date (Start): 2007
- Date (End): 2007
- TU Wien Library:
- First Supervisor: Michael Wimmer
- Keywords: computer generated architecture, procedural modeling
The creation of visually convincing architectural models using traditional modeling methods is a labor intensive task. Procedural modeling techniques strive to reduce the manual work an artist has to perform when modeling architecture. In previous work, those techniques were successfully applied to the creation of architecture. However, previous methods have a limited usability, as they are based on text editing. This makes modeling unintuitive and diminishes the advantages of procedural modeling.Therefore, methods to interactively create procedural architecture, using a graphical user interface, are explored in this thesis. As interactivity also requires real-time rendering performance, methods to accelerate the generation of architecture are investigated. Further, the thesis provides a detailed report on previous procedural architecture generation techniques.
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@mastersthesis{LIPP-2007-CGA, title = "Interactive Computer Generated Architecture", author = "Markus Lipp", year = "2007", abstract = "The creation of visually convincing architectural models using traditional modeling methods is a labor intensive task. Procedural modeling techniques strive to reduce the manual work an artist has to perform when modeling architecture. In previous work, those techniques were successfully applied to the creation of architecture. However, previous methods have a limited usability, as they are based on text editing. This makes modeling unintuitive and diminishes the advantages of procedural modeling. Therefore, methods to interactively create procedural architecture, using a graphical user interface, are explored in this thesis. As interactivity also requires real-time rendering performance, methods to accelerate the generation of architecture are investigated. Further, the thesis provides a detailed report on previous procedural architecture generation techniques.", address = "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria", school = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology ", keywords = "computer generated architecture, procedural modeling", URL = "", }