- Publication Type: Technical Report
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
- Date: September 2007
- Number: TR-186-2-07-09
- Keywords: scratches, dust, imperfections, aging
In order to incrase the realism of an image or a scene in a computergraphics application, so-called imperfections are often used during rendering. These are techniques which add details like dirt, scratches, dust or aging effects to the models and textures.Realism is improved through imperfections since computer generated models are usually too perfect to be accepted as realistic by human observers. By making them, for example, dusty and scratched, people can imagine them being part of their real world much more easily.
This article gives an overview of currently used imperfections techniques and algorithms. Topics like textures, scratches, aging, dust, weathering, lichen growth and terrain erosion are covered.
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@techreport{TR-186-2-07-09, title = "Rendering Imperfections: Dust, Scratches, Aging,...", author = "Michael Schw\"{a}rzler and Michael Wimmer", year = "2007", abstract = "In order to incrase the realism of an image or a scene in a computergraphics application, so-called imperfections are often used during rendering. These are techniques which add details like dirt, scratches, dust or aging effects to the models and textures. Realism is improved through imperfections since computer generated models are usually too perfect to be accepted as realistic by human observers. By making them, for example, dusty and scratched, people can imagine them being part of their real world much more easily. This article gives an overview of currently used imperfections techniques and algorithms. Topics like textures, scratches, aging, dust, weathering, lichen growth and terrain erosion are covered.", month = sep, number = "TR-186-2-07-09", address = "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria", institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology ", note = "human contact:", keywords = "scratches, dust, imperfections, aging", URL = "", }