Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gametools: Advanced Rendering Effects for Next-Gen Engines, 20. August 2007-22. August 2007, Leipzig, Germany


  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2007
  • Event: Games Convention Developers Conference 2007
  • Location: Leipzig, Germany
  • Conference date: 20. August 2007 – 22. August 2007


The GameTools Project is an EU project from the 6th Framework Programme that brings together leading European computer graphics experts from universities in Austria, France, Hungary and Spain with European industrial partners from the fields of computer game development and virtual reality to create next generation real-time 3D libraries for Geometry, Visibility and Global Illumination for the PC platform, with an extension to consoles PS2, XBox, PS3, XBox 360 planned.

With the project now completed after 3 years, this talk will introduce you to the advanced technology available partly as Open Source, partly under licensing. The project comprises technologies such as continuous multiresolution models for animated characters, massive tree rendering, robust PVS generation for visiblity determination of arbitrarily large game levels, and real-time global illumination effects such as soft shadows, real-time radiosity, caustics, cloud rendering, and many more.

The effects created in the GameTools project are available as plugins that can be incorporated into any game engine, and are demonstrated with the Open Source Ogre engine.

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  title =      "Gametools: Advanced Rendering Effects for Next-Gen Engines",
  author =     "Michael Wimmer",
  year =       "2007",
  abstract =   "The GameTools Project is an EU project from the 6th
               Framework Programme that brings together leading European
               computer graphics experts from universities in Austria,
               France, Hungary and Spain with European industrial partners
               from the fields of computer game development and virtual
               reality to create next generation real-time 3D libraries for
               Geometry, Visibility and Global Illumination for the PC
               platform, with an extension to consoles PS2, XBox, PS3, XBox
               360 planned.  With the project now completed after 3 years,
               this talk will introduce you to the advanced technology
               available partly as Open Source, partly under licensing. The
               project comprises technologies such as continuous
               multiresolution models for animated characters, massive tree
               rendering, robust PVS generation for visiblity determination
               of arbitrarily large game levels, and real-time global
               illumination effects such as soft shadows, real-time
               radiosity, caustics, cloud rendering, and many more.  The
               effects created in the GameTools project are available as
               plugins that can be incorporated into any game engine, and
               are demonstrated with the Open Source Ogre engine.",
  event =      "Games Convention Developers Conference 2007",
  location =   "Leipzig, Germany",
  URL =        "https://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2007/WIMMER-2007-GAR/",