
  • Publication Type: Technical Report
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: November 2007
  • Number: TR-186-2-07-13
  • Keywords: ambient occlusion, global illumination, real time


Ambient occlusion is a shading method which takes light occluded by geometry into account. Since this technique needs to integrate over a hemisphere it was first only used in offline rendering tools. However, the increasing resources of modern graphics hardware, enable us to render ambient occlusion in realtime. The goal of this report is to describe the most popular techniques with respect to realtime rendering. First we introduce how ambient occlusion is defined and then we will explain and categorize the presented techniques.

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  title =      "State of the Art Report on Ambient Occlusion",
  author =     "Martin Knecht",
  year =       "2007",
  abstract =   "Ambient occlusion is a shading method which takes light
               occluded by geometry into account. Since this technique
               needs to integrate over a hemisphere it was first only used
               in offline rendering tools. However, the increasing
               resources of modern graphics hardware, enable us to render
               ambient occlusion in realtime. The goal of this report is to
               describe the most popular techniques with respect to
               realtime rendering. First we introduce how ambient occlusion
               is defined and then we will explain and categorize the
               presented techniques. ",
  month =      nov,
  number =     "TR-186-2-07-13",
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  institution = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  note =       "human contact:",
  keywords =   "ambient occlusion,  global illumination, real time",
  URL =        "",