
  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s): not specified
  • Date: 2007
  • Event: NorVis 2007
  • Location: Bergen, Norwegen
  • Conference date: 21. May 2007 – 22. May 2007


Visualization has been used in engineering applications from its early days. Traditionally, scientific visualization techniques were extensively used in this field. We in VRVis have started to combine various visualization techniques and applying them to engineering data. From the data point of view, we deal with two different kinds of data. The first one comes from 3D CFD simulation, and the second one follows an unusual data model which will be described. This data comes from a series of 1D CFD simulations. It is a special case of multidimensional data. The main difference is that certain dimensions can contain mappings (1D, 2D, ... functions) and not only scalar values as basic items. We will present various innovative interactive visualization techniques applied to such a model. The curve view, segmented curve view and color lines view are only a subset of these. [...]

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  title =      "Interactive Visual Analysis for Engineering Applications",
  author =     "Kresimir Matkovic",
  year =       "2007",
  abstract =   "Visualization has been used in engineering applications from
               its early days. Traditionally, scientific visualization
               techniques were extensively used in this field. We in VRVis
               have started to combine various visualization techniques and
               applying them to engineering data. From the data point of
               view, we deal with two different kinds of data. The first
               one comes from 3D CFD simulation, and the second one follows
               an unusual data model which will be described. This data
               comes from a series of 1D CFD simulations. It is a special
               case of multidimensional data. The main difference is that
               certain dimensions can contain mappings (1D, 2D, ...
               functions) and not only scalar values as basic items. We
               will present various innovative interactive visualization
               techniques applied to such a model. The curve view,
               segmented curve view and color lines view are only a subset
               of these. [...]",
  event =      "NorVis 2007",
  location =   "Bergen, Norwegen",
  URL =        "",