
  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2008
  • Event: Graphical Visionday 2008
  • Location: Kopenhagen, Denmark
  • Conference date: 30. May 2008


Visibility computation is an essential part of any real-time rendering pipeline for large scenes. Visibility can either be precomputed offline, which is a good strategy for static scenes, or calculated at runtime, which avoids precomputation and works well for dynamic scenes. In this presentation, I will cover the latest advances in both of these principal directions. For visibility precomputation, we have shown that sampling is superior to full geometric approaches for practical applications, due to its efficiency and robustness. For online visibility culling, we show how to make the best possible use of hardware occlusion queries without introducing latency and overhead.

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  title =      "Precomputing Visibility for Real-Time Rendering of Large
  author =     "Michael Wimmer",
  year =       "2008",
  abstract =   "Visibility computation is an essential part of any real-time
               rendering pipeline for large scenes. Visibility can either
               be precomputed offline, which is a good strategy for static
               scenes, or calculated at runtime, which avoids
               precomputation and works well for dynamic scenes. In this
               presentation, I will cover the latest advances in both of
               these principal directions. For visibility precomputation,
               we have shown that sampling is superior to full geometric
               approaches for practical applications, due to its efficiency
               and robustness. For online visibility culling, we show how
               to make the best possible use of hardware occlusion queries
               without introducing latency and overhead.",
  event =      "Graphical Visionday 2008",
  location =   "Kopenhagen, Denmark",
  URL =        "",