Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 23. April 2009-25. April 2009, Budmerice, Slovakia


  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2009
  • Event: 25th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG2009)
  • Location: Budmerice, Slovakia
  • Conference date: 23. April 2009 – 25. April 2009


Real-time rendering is a quickly developing field in computer graphics. Recent advances in graphics hardware make it possible to tackle completely new challenges, and to rethink old ones. While previously, the main focus of real-time rendering lay on classical problems like visibility and level-of-detail rendering, nowadays we see new challenges in the form of interactive procedural content generation, handling of massive amounts of data, and interactive simulation of extremely complex objects like trees.

In this talk, I will try to broaden the definition of real-time rendering and give some insights how to address new research challenges. Starting with a few classical problems like rendering accurate shadows, achieving smooth transitions between different levels of detail, and global visibility computations, I will then show a few examples of recent advances in real-time rendering. One challenge is the ever-increasing size of models due to automatic acquisition methods like range scanners. In a new system we have developed, we are able to visualize and interact with datasets of over 1 Billion raw points. Another source of large models is procedural modeling, and we have developed a method to aid designers in creating these models interactively. Finally, vegetation plays an important role in interactive scenes. I will show a system to simulate both illumination and animation in such complex vegetation very realistically.

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  title =      "Advances in Real-Time Rendering",
  author =     "Michael Wimmer",
  year =       "2009",
  abstract =   "Real-time rendering is a quickly developing field in
               computer graphics. Recent advances in graphics hardware make
               it possible to tackle completely new challenges, and to
               rethink old ones. While previously, the main focus of
               real-time rendering lay on classical problems like
               visibility and level-of-detail rendering, nowadays we see
               new challenges in the form of interactive procedural content
               generation, handling of massive amounts of data, and
               interactive simulation of extremely complex objects like
               trees.  In this talk, I will try to broaden the definition
               of real-time rendering and give some insights how to address
               new research challenges. Starting with a few classical
               problems like rendering accurate shadows, achieving smooth
               transitions between different levels of detail, and global
               visibility computations, I will then show a few examples of
               recent advances in real-time rendering. One challenge is the
               ever-increasing size of models due to automatic acquisition
               methods like range scanners. In a new system we have
               developed, we are able to visualize and interact with
               datasets of over 1 Billion raw points. Another source of
               large models is procedural modeling, and we have developed a
               method to aid designers in creating these models
               interactively. Finally, vegetation plays an important role
               in interactive scenes. I will show a system to simulate both
               illumination and animation in such complex vegetation very
  event =      "25th Spring Conference on Computer Graphics (SCCG2009)",
  location =   "Budmerice, Slovakia",
  URL =        "https://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/publications/2009/WIMMER-2009-ARTR3/",