
  • Publication Type: Student Project
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2009
  • Date (Start): 14. July 2009
  • Date (End): 2. November 2009
  • Matrikelnummer: 0155490
  • First Supervisor: Martin IlčíkORCID iD
  • Keywords: shape grammars, computer animation, character modeling, procedural modeling, computational geometry


This report presents a grammar for the procedural modeling of humanoid characters and poses based on CGA shape, a shape grammar for computer generated architecture. Various models can be derived with the same set of parametrized rules for geometric operations, and include a skeletal system for posing. The main part of this report defines basic rules and their effect on shapes and skeletons and discusses the results of an actual implementation of the grammar with examples.

Additional Files and Images

Additional images and videos

image: A humanoid figure modeled and posed using a shape grammar. image: A humanoid figure modeled and posed using a shape grammar.

Additional files


No further information available.


  title =      "Procedural Human Posing Using CGA Grammars",
  author =     "Stefan Fiedler",
  year =       "2009",
  abstract =   "This report presents a grammar for the procedural modeling
               of humanoid characters and poses based on CGA shape, a shape
               grammar for computer generated architecture. Various models
               can be derived with the same set of parametrized rules for
               geometric operations, and include a skeletal system for
               posing. The main part of this report defines basic rules and
               their effect on shapes and skeletons and discusses the
               results of an actual implementation of the grammar with
  keywords =   "shape grammars, computer animation, character modeling,
               procedural modeling, computational geometry",
  URL =        "",