- Publication Type: Journal Paper (without talk)
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
- Date: 2010
- ISSN: 1220 - 2169
- Journal: Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi
- Number: 2
- Pages: 9 – 24
- Keywords: visualization, rendering, computer graphics, challenges, computer vision
In this paper we give an overview of the current research trends and explore the challenges in several subfields of the scientific discipline of computer graphics: interactive and photorealistic rendering, scientific and information visualization, and visual analytics. Five challenges are extracted that play a role in each of these areas: scalability, semantics, fusion, interaction, acquisition. Of course, not all of these issues are disjunct to each other, however the chosen structure allows for a easy to follow overview of the concrete future challenges.Additional Files and Images
No further information available.BibTeX
@article{purgathofer-2010-cgtrends, title = "Current Trends in Computer Graphics", author = "Werner Purgathofer and Robert F. Tobler", year = "2010", abstract = "In this paper we give an overview of the current research trends and explore the challenges in several subfields of the scientific discipline of computer graphics: interactive and photorealistic rendering, scientific and information visualization, and visual analytics. Five challenges are extracted that play a role in each of these areas: scalability, semantics, fusion, interaction, acquisition. Of course, not all of these issues are disjunct to each other, however the chosen structure allows for a easy to follow overview of the concrete future challenges.", issn = "1220 - 2169", journal = "Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iaşi", number = "2", pages = "9--24", keywords = "visualization, rendering, computer graphics, challenges, computer vision", URL = "", }