- Publication Type: Master Thesis
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
- Date: October 2012
- First Supervisor:
- Eduard Gröller
- Harald Piringer
Multivariate networks are graphs, which consist of a set of nodes and a set of connections between these nodes, that have additional data dimensions for each node and/or connection. Such multivariate graphs are prevalent in a number of dierent fields, including biological systems and social sciences.In this thesis, an existing linked-view system for analyzing multivariate data has been extended for the analysis of networks. A node-link view has been implemented to give an overview of the graph. To leverage existing visualizations, additional data about the structure of the network can be added to the nodes and analyzed with views designed for unconnected multivariate data. Another contribution is a novel visualization that supports the study of queries concerning relationships between different groups of nodes in a network.
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@mastersthesis{Pajer_2012_VoM, title = "Visualization Of Multivariate Networks", author = "Stephan Pajer", year = "2012", abstract = "Multivariate networks are graphs, which consist of a set of nodes and a set of connections between these nodes, that have additional data dimensions for each node and/or connection. Such multivariate graphs are prevalent in a number of dierent fields, including biological systems and social sciences. In this thesis, an existing linked-view system for analyzing multivariate data has been extended for the analysis of networks. A node-link view has been implemented to give an overview of the graph. To leverage existing visualizations, additional data about the structure of the network can be added to the nodes and analyzed with views designed for unconnected multivariate data. Another contribution is a novel visualization that supports the study of queries concerning relationships between different groups of nodes in a network.", month = oct, address = "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria", school = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology ", URL = "", }