
  • Publication Type: Master Thesis
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: November 2013
  • Date (Start): 2012
  • Date (End): 2013
  • TU Wien Library:
  • First Supervisor:
  • Keywords: OpenGL, Shading Language, Framework, Spark, DirectX


In real-time computer graphics algorithms are often implemented using shaders. Even simple e ects possibly comprise several shader les. Advanced material-light interactions are often accompanied by level-of-detail and occlusion optimizations, therefore, graphics developers have to cope with various shader les often including duplicate shader code. Furthermore the algorithms are forced to be divided into per-stage procedures, which also contributes to the complexity of shader programming. Based on existing research a framework in OpenGL should be implemented to facilitate shader development. Furthermore basic means for outputting intermediate computation results should be provided to enhance debugging capabilities.

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  title =      "Shading Framework for Modern Rendering Engines",
  author =     "Onur Dogang\"{o}n\"{u}l",
  year =       "2013",
  abstract =   "In real-time computer graphics algorithms are often
               implemented using shaders. Even simple eects possibly
               comprise several shader les. Advanced material-light
               interactions are often accompanied by level-of-detail and
               occlusion optimizations, therefore, graphics developers have
               to cope with various shader les often including duplicate
               shader code. Furthermore the algorithms are forced to be
               divided into per-stage procedures, which also contributes to
               the complexity of shader programming. Based on existing
               research a framework in OpenGL should be implemented to
               facilitate shader development. Furthermore basic means for
               outputting intermediate computation results should be
               provided to enhance debugging capabilities.",
  month =      nov,
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  school =     "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  keywords =   "OpenGL, Shading Language, Framework, Spark, DirectX",
  URL =        "",