Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Facade Reconstruction: An Interactive Image-Based Approach, 6. June 2013, Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Prague


  • Publication Type: Invited Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: 2013
  • Event: Invited Talk at Czech Technical University in Prague
  • Location: Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer Graphics and Interaction, Prague
  • Conference date: 6. June 2013
  • Keywords: facade reconstruction, urban reconstruction


Modeling and reconstruction of urban environments is currently the subject of intensive research. In this talk I will present one specific subfield of urban reconstruction: interactive image-based facade reconstruction. In particular I will introduce insights into image-based interactive approaches which aim at the decomposition of facade imagery in order to generate well defined geometric models.

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  title =      "Facade Reconstruction: An Interactive Image-Based Approach",
  author =     "Przemyslaw Musialski",
  year =       "2013",
  abstract =   "Modeling and reconstruction of urban environments is
               currently the subject of intensive research. In this talk I
               will present one specific subfield of urban reconstruction:
               interactive image-based facade reconstruction. In particular
               I will introduce insights into image-based interactive
               approaches which aim at the decomposition of facade imagery
               in order to generate well defined geometric models.",
  event =      "Invited Talk at Czech Technical University in Prague",
  location =   "Czech Technical University in Prague, Department of Computer
               Graphics and Interaction, Prague",
  keywords =   "facade reconstruction, urban reconstruction",
  URL =        "",