Veronica Sundstedt, Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Erik Reinhard, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Visual Attention and Gaze Behaviour in Games: An Object-Based Approach
In Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data , pages 543-583, April 2013


  • Publication Type: Article in a Book
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: April 2013
  • Booktitle: Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data
  • Editor: M. Seif El-Nasr, A. Drachen, A. Canossa, K. Isbister,
  • ISBN: 9781447147688
  • Publisher: Springer
  • Pages: 543 – 583
  • Keywords: Eye Tracking, Visual Attention, Computer Games


This chapter presents state-of-the-art methods that tap the potential of psychophysics for the purpose of understanding game players' behavior. Studying gaze behavior in gaming environments has recently gained momentum as it affords a better understanding of gamers' visual attention. However, while knowing where users are attending in a computer game would be useful at a basic level, it does not provide insight into what users are interested in, or why. An answer to these questions can be tremendously useful to game designers, enabling them to improve gameplay, selectively increase visual fidelity, and optimize the distribution of computing resources. Furthermore, this could be useful in verifying game mechanics, improving game AI and smart positioning of advertisements within games, all being applications widely desirable across the games industry. Techniques are outlined to collect gaze data, and map fixation points back to semantic objects in a gaming environment, enabling a deeper understanding of how players interact with games.

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  title =      "Visual Attention and Gaze Behaviour in Games: An
               Object-Based Approach",
  author =     "Veronica Sundstedt and Matthias Bernhard and Efstathios
               Stavrakis and Erik Reinhard and Michael Wimmer",
  year =       "2013",
  abstract =   "This chapter presents state-of-the-art methods that tap the
               potential of psychophysics for the purpose of understanding
               game players' behavior. Studying gaze behavior in gaming
               environments has recently gained momentum as it affords a
               better understanding of gamers' visual attention. However,
               while knowing where users are attending in a computer game
               would be useful at a basic level, it does not provide
               insight into what users are interested in, or why. An answer
               to these questions can be tremendously useful to game
               designers, enabling them to improve gameplay, selectively
               increase visual fidelity, and optimize the distribution of
               computing resources. Furthermore, this could be useful in
               verifying game mechanics, improving game AI and smart
               positioning of advertisements within games, all being
               applications widely desirable across the games industry.
               Techniques are outlined to collect gaze data, and map
               fixation points back to semantic objects in a gaming
               environment, enabling a deeper understanding of how players
               interact with games. ",
  month =      apr,
  booktitle =  "Game Analytics: Maximizing the Value of Player Data ",
  editor =     "M. Seif El-Nasr, A. Drachen, A. Canossa, K. Isbister,",
  isbn =       "9781447147688",
  publisher =  "Springer",
  keywords =   "Eye Tracking, Visual Attention, Computer Games",
  URL =        "",