

This thesis introduces a novel approach to control smoke towards a target density distribution with minimal force impact to reduce unnatural behavior and unconvincing visual results. The first part consists of an introduction to fluid simulations and fluid control followed by an exploration of previous research in the field of Computational fluid dynamics, especially in Computer Graphics. After that, the Navier-Stokes equations are introduced and a short overview on how to solve them is given. The last part describes our approach to controlling smoke based on biased diffusion and long-range force and shows the results of this research. Based on a criterion, which has emerged from the numerical solution of diffusion, the algorithm decides whether to apply forces or use diffusion to distribute the smoke resulting in a great reduction of forces applied to the smoke. Results show that the smoke reaches the target density faster and the motion is much less furious, which contributes to more natural results. Our algorithm is implemented in the open source animation software Blender and gives the artist access to smoke control parameters.

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  title =      "Control of Newtonian Fluids With Minimum Force Impact Using
               the Navier-Stokes Equations",
  author =     "Patrick F\"{u}rst",
  year =       "2014",
  abstract =   "This thesis introduces a novel approach to control smoke
               towards a target density distribution with minimal force
               impact to reduce unnatural behavior and unconvincing visual
               results. The first part consists of an introduction to fluid
               simulations and fluid control followed by an exploration of
               previous research in the field of Computational fluid
               dynamics, especially in Computer Graphics. After that, the
               Navier-Stokes equations are introduced and a short overview
               on how to solve them is given. The last part describes our
               approach to controlling smoke based on biased diffusion and
               long-range force and shows the results of this research.
               Based on a criterion, which has emerged from the numerical
               solution of diffusion, the algorithm decides whether to
               apply forces or use diffusion to distribute the smoke
               resulting in a great reduction of forces applied to the
               smoke. Results show that the smoke reaches the target
               density faster and the motion is much less furious, which
               contributes to more natural results. Our algorithm is
               implemented in the open source animation software Blender
               and gives the artist access to smoke control parameters.",
  month =      oct,
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  school =     "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  keywords =   "fluid simulation, fluid control",
  URL =        "",