Lubin Fan, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD, Ligang Liu, Peter WonkaORCID iD
Structure Completion for Facade Layouts
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014), 33(6):210:1-210:11, November 2014. [preprint-highres] [preprint]


  • Publication Type: Journal Paper with Conference Talk
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: November 2014
  • Journal: ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)
  • Volume: 33
  • Number: 6
  • Location: Shenzhen, China
  • Lecturer: Lubin Fan
  • Event: ACM SIGGRAPH Asia
  • Conference date: 3. December 2014 – 6. December 2014
  • Pages: 210:1 – 210:11
  • Keywords: facade modeling, facade completion, structure completion, urban modeling


We present a method to complete missing structures in facade layouts. Starting from an abstraction of the partially observed layout as a set of shapes, we can propose one or multiple possible completed layouts. Structure completion with large missing parts is an ill-posed problem. Therefore, we combine two sources of information to derive our solution: the observed shapes and a database of complete layouts. The problem is also very difficult, because shape positions and attributes have to be estimated jointly. Our proposed solution is to break the problem into two components: a statistical model to evaluate layouts and a planning algorithm to generate candidate layouts. This ensures that the completed result is consistent with the observation and the layouts in the database.

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  title =      "Structure Completion for Facade Layouts",
  author =     "Lubin Fan and Przemyslaw Musialski and Ligang Liu and Peter
  year =       "2014",
  abstract =   "We present a method to complete missing structures in facade
               layouts. Starting from an abstraction of the partially
               observed layout as a set of shapes, we can propose one or
               multiple possible completed layouts. Structure completion
               with large missing parts is an ill-posed problem. Therefore,
               we combine two sources of information to derive our
               solution: the observed shapes and a database of complete
               layouts. The problem is also very difficult, because shape
               positions and attributes have to be estimated jointly. Our
               proposed solution is to break the problem into two
               components: a statistical model to evaluate layouts and a
               planning algorithm to generate candidate layouts. This
               ensures that the completed result is consistent with the
               observation and the layouts in the database.",
  month =      nov,
  journal =    "ACM Transactions on Graphics (ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2014)",
  volume =     "33",
  number =     "6",
  pages =      "210:1--210:11",
  keywords =   "facade modeling, facade completion, structure completion,
               urban modeling",
  URL =        "",