

In this paper, I present a solution for migrating a curve on a three dimensional surface to the most concave isoline in its vicinity. Essentially, this problem statement tackles mesh segmentation from a different angle. The search for a suitable segmentation boundary is reduced to a shortest path problem. First, a graph is built using the mesh’s vertices and edges near the input curve. Then, the shortest path is found using the Dijkstra algorithm, whereas a modified weighting scheme that makes the passing through of concave edges cheaper, among other factors, results in a path suitable as segmentation boundary. The final algorithm provides segmentation boundaries of a quality similar to existing segmentation algorithms. The runtime generally lies below a second, thus making it viable for on the go optimization of the user’s input.

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  title =      "Migration of Surface Curve to Most Concave Isoline",
  author =     "Maximilian Mayrhauser",
  year =       "2016",
  abstract =   "In this paper, I present a solution for migrating a curve on
               a three dimensional surface to the most concave isoline in
               its vicinity. Essentially, this problem statement tackles
               mesh segmentation from a different angle. The search for a
               suitable segmentation boundary is reduced to a shortest path
               problem. First, a graph is built using the mesh’s vertices
               and edges near the input curve. Then, the shortest path is
               found using the Dijkstra algorithm, whereas a modified
               weighting scheme that makes the passing through of concave
               edges cheaper, among other factors, results in a path
               suitable as segmentation boundary. The final algorithm
               provides segmentation boundaries of a quality similar to
               existing segmentation algorithms. The runtime generally lies
               below a second, thus making it viable for on the go
               optimization of the user’s input.",
  month =      dec,
  address =    "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria",
  school =     "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna
               University of Technology ",
  URL =        "",