
  • Publication Type: Conference Paper
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
  • Date: September 2017
  • ISBN: 978-3-03868-049-9
  • Publisher: The Eurographics Association
  • Location: Bonn, Germany
  • Lecturer: Katharina KröslORCID iD
  • Event: VMV 2017
  • Editor: Matthias Hullin and Reinhard Klein and Thomas Schultz and Angela Yao
  • DOI: 10.2312/vmv.20171253
  • Booktitle: Vision, Modeling & Visualization
  • Conference date: 25. September 2017 – 27. September 2017
  • Pages: 1 – 8
  • Keywords: Computing methodologies, Ray tracing, Image processing, Mesh geometry models


Industrial applications like luminaire development (the creation of a luminaire in terms of geometry and material) or lighting design (the efficient and aesthetic placement of luminaires in a virtual scene) rely heavily on high realism and physically correct simulations. Using typical approaches like CAD modeling and offline rendering, this requirement induces long processing times and therefore inflexible workflows. In this paper, we combine a GPU-based progressive photon-tracing algorithm to accurately simulate the light distribution of a luminaire with a novel multi-resolution image-filtering approach that produces visually meaningful intermediate results of the simulation process. By using this method in a 3D modeling environment, luminaire development is turned into an interactive process, allowing for real-time modifications and immediate feedback on the light distribution. Since the simulation results converge to a physically plausible solution that can be imported as a representation of a luminaire into a light-planning software, our work contributes to combining the two former decoupled workflows of luminaire development and lighting design, reducing the overall production time and cost for luminaire manufacturers.

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paper: author's version paper: author's version



  title =      "LiteMaker: Interactive Luminaire Development using
               Progressive Photon Tracing and Multi-Resolution Upsampling",
  author =     "Katharina Kr\"{o}sl and Christian Luksch and Michael
               Schw\"{a}rzler and Michael Wimmer",
  year =       "2017",
  abstract =   "Industrial applications like luminaire development (the
               creation of a luminaire in terms of geometry and material)
               or lighting design (the efficient and aesthetic placement of
               luminaires in a virtual scene) rely heavily on high realism
               and physically correct simulations. Using typical approaches
               like CAD modeling and offline rendering, this requirement
               induces long processing times and therefore inflexible
               workflows. In this paper, we combine a GPU-based progressive
               photon-tracing algorithm to accurately simulate the light
               distribution of a luminaire with a novel multi-resolution
               image-filtering approach that produces visually meaningful
               intermediate results of the simulation process. By using
               this method in a 3D modeling environment, luminaire
               development is turned into an interactive process, allowing
               for real-time modifications and immediate feedback on the
               light distribution. Since the simulation results converge to
               a physically plausible solution that can be imported as a
               representation of a luminaire into a light-planning
               software, our work contributes to combining the two former
               decoupled workflows of luminaire development and lighting
               design, reducing the overall production time and cost for
               luminaire manufacturers. ",
  month =      sep,
  isbn =       "978-3-03868-049-9",
  publisher =  "The Eurographics Association",
  location =   "Bonn, Germany",
  event =      "VMV 2017",
  editor =     "Matthias Hullin and Reinhard Klein and Thomas Schultz and
               Angela Yao",
  doi =        "10.2312/vmv.20171253",
  booktitle =  "Vision, Modeling & Visualization",
  pages =      "1--8",
  keywords =   "Computing methodologies, Ray tracing, Image processing, Mesh
               geometry models",
  URL =        "",