- Publication Type: Bachelor Thesis
- Workgroup(s)/Project(s):
- Date: 2017
- Date (Start): May 2016
- Date (End): March 2017
- Matrikelnummer: 0123456
- First Supervisor: Manuela Waldner
The publication database of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms can currently be queried by a simple UI which returns a list. Stream I/O, the application of this thesis, extends the interface to improve it in terms of overview, exploration and analysis support. To cope with these shortcommings a visualization is added to the user interface. As the publication database includes a lot of additional data attributes, a selection of attributes is used for the visualization to give further insight. By using the Streamgraph [BW08] visualization, the variations over time within attributes like authors, publication type and research areas are made visible. The focus of this visualization lies in showing individual attribute values while also conveying the sum. This relationship is depicted in a timeline, which allows a user to explore the past and current work of the institute as well as to find relationships and trends in the publications. As the visualization uses a timeline encoding, the directed flow from left to right is interpreted as the movement through time. It shows the evolution of different attributes, while the occurrence of a topic at a specific time is coded with the width of the layer at a specific point. Searching the database is enriched through multiple viewpoints which give the user insight how attributes relate in the underlying data and how the data is changing through his/her manipulation. Selections of colored layers within the graph can represent bigger trends and give insight into the data as a whole. The Stream I/O application invites users to interactively explore the publication database, while simultaneously gaining new insight through the visualization.Additional Files and Images
No further information available.BibTeX
@bachelorsthesis{mazurek-2017-sio, title = "Stream I/O - An Interactive Visualization of Publication Data", author = "Michael Mazurek", year = "2017", abstract = "The publication database of the Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms can currently be queried by a simple UI which returns a list. Stream I/O, the application of this thesis, extends the interface to improve it in terms of overview, exploration and analysis support. To cope with these shortcommings a visualization is added to the user interface. As the publication database includes a lot of additional data attributes, a selection of attributes is used for the visualization to give further insight. By using the Streamgraph [BW08] visualization, the variations over time within attributes like authors, publication type and research areas are made visible. The focus of this visualization lies in showing individual attribute values while also conveying the sum. This relationship is depicted in a timeline, which allows a user to explore the past and current work of the institute as well as to find relationships and trends in the publications. As the visualization uses a timeline encoding, the directed flow from left to right is interpreted as the movement through time. It shows the evolution of different attributes, while the occurrence of a topic at a specific time is coded with the width of the layer at a specific point. Searching the database is enriched through multiple viewpoints which give the user insight how attributes relate in the underlying data and how the data is changing through his/her manipulation. Selections of colored layers within the graph can represent bigger trends and give insight into the data as a whole. The Stream I/O application invites users to interactively explore the publication database, while simultaneously gaining new insight through the visualization.", address = "Favoritenstrasse 9-11/E193-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria", school = "Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology ", URL = "", }