

To fund research and technological development, not only in Europe but all over the world, the European Union created so-called Framework Programmes. The data of these programmes, containing information about projects, corresponding topics, funding sums, funding periods and recipient countries, is publicly available, but hard to analyze without visual support. Therefore, a multiple coordinated view approach is developed in course of this project. The different visualization techniques used, like bar charts, treemap, choropleth map and line graph, make it possible to filter, analyze and further explore the available data through brushing and linking. The project was developed in close collaboration with the end users of the Centre for Social Innovation and received an overall positive feedback from them.

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  title =      "Visualization of EU Funding Programmes",
  author =     "Daniel Steinb\"{o}ck",
  year =       "2017",
  abstract =   "To fund research and technological development, not only in
               Europe but all over the world, the European Union created
               so-called Framework Programmes. The data of these
               programmes, containing information about projects,
               corresponding topics, funding sums, funding periods and
               recipient countries, is publicly available, but hard to
               analyze without visual support. Therefore, a multiple
               coordinated view approach is developed in course of this
               project. The different visualization techniques used, like
               bar charts, treemap, choropleth map and line graph, make it
               possible to filter, analyze and further explore the
               available data through brushing and linking. The project was
               developed in close collaboration with the end users of the
               Centre for Social Innovation and received an overall
               positive feedback from them.",
  URL =        "",