
95 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Progressive Annotation of Schematic Railway Maps, 5. December 2018, Czech Technical University
Invited Talk
Daniel Archambault, Jessie Kennedy, Tatiana von Landesberger, Mark McCann, Fintan McGee, Benjamin Renoust, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Lost in Translation: Alignment of Mental Representations for Visual Analytics, Reimagining the Mental Map and Drawing Stability (NII Shonan Meeting Seminar 127)
TR-193-02-2018-1, December 2018 [paper]
Technical Report
David Kouřil, Gabriela Podolníková
X-Mas Card 2018
[X-mas card front] [X-mas card]
X-Mas Card
Nicolas Themmer
Definition of a Workflow to Import FBX Models in Unity3D at Run-Time While Retaining Material Properties for Various Shader Types
Bachelor Thesis
Tom Tucek
INTRA SPACE Agent An Agent-Based Architecture for an Artistic Real-Time Installation
Bachelor Thesis
Peter Mindek
TEDxDonauinsel: Scientific visualization meets biology, 29. November 2018, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
[Youtube video of the talk]
Invited Talk
Stefan Schuh
Fast Virtual Character Modelling with Mesh Fusion
Bachelor Thesis
Peter Mindek
Molecular Visualization, 10. November 2018, FYI: Informationsdesign Konferenz Wien, Nordbahn-Halle, Vienna
Lucas da Cunha Melo
Transfer Function Widget for Tri-Modal Volume Exploration
Bachelor Thesis
Maximilian Sbardellati
Interactive Exploded Views for Presenting DNA Nano-Structures
Bachelor Thesis
Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Geometry and Data Representation, 31. October 2018, Dagstuhl Seminar 18442
Invited Talk
Dominique Grieshofer
Game Optimization and Steam Publishing for Swarmlake
Bachelor Thesis
Elitza Vasileva
Interactive Maps for Visualizing Optimal Route Planning Strategy
Bachelor Thesis
Michaela Niedermayer
Real-Time Shadows for Large-Scale Geospatial Visualization
[Bachelor Thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Maximilian Deutsch
Generating seating plan images using clustering and concave hull algorithms
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Fischer
Subsurface Scattering in VR
Bachelor Thesis
Wolfgang Ludwig
Radial Diagrams for the Visual Analysis of Wind Energy Production Data
[image] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Thomas Trautner
Importance-Driven Exploration of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
[image] [Poster]
Master Thesis
image Kurt Leimer, Michael Birsak, Florian Rist, Przemyslaw MusialskiORCID iD
Sit & Relax: Interactive Design of Body-Supporting Surfaces
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(7):349-359, October 2018. [preprint] [video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Artem Amirkhanov, Matthias Bernhard, Zsolt Toth, Sabine Stiller, Andreas Geier, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
WithTeeth: Denture Preview in Augmented Reality
In Vision, Modeling and Visualization. October 2018.
[paper] [video demo]
Conference Paper
Artem Konev, Manuel Matusich, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Hendrik Schulze, Daniel Cornel, Jürgen Waser
Fast cutaway visualization of sub-terrain tubular networks
Computers & Graphics, 75(5):25-35, October 2018.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Katharina KröslORCID iD
[DC] Computational Design of Smart Lighting Systems for Visually Impaired People, using VR and AR Simulations
In Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR-Adjunct). October 2018.
Conference Paper
Georg Edlinger
Visually Linking web search results with bookmarked information
Bachelor Thesis
BiCFlows showing visualization authors and their key words Daniel Steinböck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD
Casual Visual Exploration of Large Bipartite Graphs Using Hierarchical Aggregation and Filtering
In International Symposium on Big Data Visual and Immersive Analytics. October 2018.
Conference Paper
Michael Birsak
Discrete Optimization on Graphs and Grids for the Creation of Navigational and Artistic Imagery
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: August 2012 — September 2018
Haichao Miao
Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures, 18. September 2018, Plitvice Lakes, Croatia
Invited Talk
Nicolas Grossmann, Thomas Köppel, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
VisualFlatter - Visual Analysis of Distortions in the Projection of Biomedical Structures
Eurographics Proceedings, September 2018.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Sebastian Haushofer
Dynamic molecular animation: GPU skinning for molecular data
Bachelor Thesis
Thomas Gamper
Ocean Surface Generation and Rendering
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Manfred Klaffenböck
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: September 2018 —
Ongoing PhD-Thesis
Thomas Bernhard Koch, David Kouřil, Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Semantic Screen-Space Occlusion for Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, September 2018. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Thomas Mühlbacher
Human-Oriented Statistical Modeling: Making Algorithms Accessible through Interactive Visualization
Supervisor: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Duration: June 2012 — August 2018
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
StretchDenoise: Parametric Curve Reconstruction with Guarantees by Separating Connectivity from Residual Uncertainty of Samples
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2018, pages 1-4. August 2018.
[image] [paper] [Extended version] [source]
Conference Paper
Klaus Eckelt
Data-Driven User Guidance in Multi-Attribute Data Exploration
[image] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Michael Oppitz
Implementing Virtual Ray Lights for Rendering Scenes with Participating Media
Bachelor Thesis
Markus Schütz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Progressive Real-Time Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [poster]
Katharina KröslORCID iD, Anna Felnhofer, Johanna X. Kafka, Laura Schuster, Alexandra Rinnerthaler, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Oswald D. Kothgassner
The Virtual Schoolyard: Attention Training in Virtual Reality for Children with Attentional Disorders
Poster shown at ACM SIGGRAPH 2018 (12. August 2018-16. August 2018)
[abstract] [poster] [video]
Karoly Zsolnai-FehérORCID iD, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Gaussian Material Synthesis
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2018), 37(4):76:1-76:14, August 2018. [paper] [supplementary] [video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Michael Hecher, Paul Guerrero, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
How Do Users Map Points Between Dissimilar Shapes?
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(8):2327-2338, August 2018. [draft]
Journal Paper (without talk)
David Bauer
Automated Visual Assessment of Osteoarthritis
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Masopust
Web-Based Osteoarthritis-Analysis Generating Data from Native Libraries and Machine-Learning Models
Bachelor Thesis
Yuka Yoshida, Ken Maruyama, Takamasa Kawagoe, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Masatoshi Arikawa, Shigeo Takahashi
Progressive Annotation of Schematic Railway Maps
In Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference Information Visualisation (IV). July 2018.
Conference Paper
Michael Schwärzler
Advances in the Multimodal 3D Reconstruction and Modeling of Buildings
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: 2010 — 2018
[image] [PhD-Thesis]
Stefan Ovidiu Oancea
Four Texture Algorithms for Recognizing Early Signs of Osteoarthritis. Data from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study.
[image] [poster]
Master Thesis
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Ivan Barisic
A Preview to Adenita: Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at 3rd Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop ( 6. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
Patrick Gantner
AR Overlays for Leica VIS with Vulkan
Student Project
Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
A Visual Comparison of Hand-Drawn and Machine-Generated Human Metabolic Pathways
Poster shown at EuroVis ( 4. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ivan Barisic, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
DimSUM: Dimension and Scale Unifying Maps for Visual Abstraction of DNA Origami Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3), June 2018. [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Density-based compact Euler Diagram Michael Mazurek, Manuela WaldnerORCID iD
Visualizing Expanded Query Results
Computer Graphics Forum:87-98, June 2018. [paper] [video]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Daniel Steinböck
Interactive Visual Exploration Interface for Large Bipartite Networks
[Master Thesis] [Poster] [sketch]
Master Thesis
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