
99 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Daniel PahrORCID iD
Vologram: Educational Craftworks for Volume Physicalization
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Thomas Ortner
Tight Integration of Visual Analysis and 3D Real-Time Rendering
Supervisor: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
[image] [PhD thesis]
Aleksandr Amirkhanov
X-Mas Card 2020
[Card] [Cover]
X-Mas Card
Laura R. LuidoltORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Katharina KröslORCID iD
Gaze-Dependent Simulation of Light Perception in Virtual Reality
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Volume 26, Issue 12:3557-3567, December 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Sherif Sakr, Angela Bonifati, Hannes Voigt, Alexandru Iosup, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD et al.
The Future is Big Graphs! A Community View on Graph Processing Systems
Communications of the ACM , x:1-14, December 2020. [image] [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Marko Spegel-Grünberger
Charakterisierung der Population von Pflegepatienten in zwei Pflegespitälern mithilfe interaktiver Visualisierungen elektronischer Patientendaten
Student Project
Annette Mossel, Christian Schönauer, Mario Froeschl, Andreas Peer, Johannes Göllner, Hannes KaufmannORCID iD
Immersive training of first responder squad leaders in untethered virtual reality
Virtual Reality, 204:1-15, December 2020.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Katharina KröslORCID iD
Simulating Vision Impairments in Virtual and Augmented Reality
Supervisor: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Duration: April 2016 — October 2020
Klara Brandstätter
Building a Sandbox Towards Investigating the Behavior of Control Algorithms and Training of Real-World Robots
[Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Thomas Ortner, Andreas Walch, Rebecca Nowak, Robert Barnes, Thomas Höllt, Eduard GröllerORCID iD
InCorr: Interactive Data-Driven Correlation Panels for Digital Outcrop Analysis
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 21:1-10, November 2020. [Image] [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Andreas Gogel
Visualization-Guided Classification of Carbonized Seeds from Early Human Civilizations
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Anja Heim
Visual Comparison of Multivariate Data Ensembles
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Alexander Gall
Immersive Analytics of Multidimensional Volumetric Data
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Antonella Antonini, María Luján Ganuza, Gabriela Ferracutti, Maria Florencia Gargiulo, Kresimir MatkovicORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Ernesto Bjerg, Silvia Mabel Castro
Spinel web: an interactive web application for visualizing the chemical composition of spinel group minerals
Earth Science Informatics, 13:1-8, November 2020. [Image] [Paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Thomas Köppel
Context-Responsive Labeling in Augmented Reality
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Multi-level Area Balancing of Clustered Graphs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), x:1-15, November 2020. [paper] [video]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Applications of Smart Graphics, 12. November 2020, online
Invited Talk
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Data Analysis, 9. November 2020, KAUST, Saudi Arabia
Invited Talk
Katharina KröslORCID iD, Carmine Elvezio, Laura R. LuidoltORCID iD, Matthias Hürbe, Sonja Karst, Steven Feiner, Michael WimmerORCID iD
CatARact: Simulating Cataracts in Augmented Reality
In IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR)., pages 1-10. November 2020.
Conference Paper
Markus Schütz, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Out-of-Core Octree Generation for Massive Point Clouds
Computer Graphics Forum, 39(7):1-13, November 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Medicinae Notitia Visibilis Fac – Quo Vadis?, 29. October 2020, Salt Lake City, USA
Invited Talk
Stefan Meusburger
Visual Comparison of Spatial Deviations via Geospatial Slicing
[Bachelor thesis] [Image]
Bachelor Thesis
We present Points2Surf, a method to reconstruct an accurate implicit surface from a noisy point cloud. Unlike current data-driven surface reconstruction methods like DeepSDF and AtlasNet, it is patch-based, improves detail reconstruction, and unlike Screened Poisson Reconstruction (SPR), a learned prior of low-level patch shapes improves reconstruction accuracy. 
Note the quality of reconstructions, both geometric and topological, against the original surfaces. The ability of Points2Surf to generalize to new shapes makes it the first learning-based approach with significant generalization ability under both geometric and topological variations. Philipp ErlerORCID iD, Paul Guerrero, Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Niloy Mitra
Points2Surf: Learning Implicit Surfaces from Point Clouds
In Computer Vision -- ECCV 2020, pages 108-124. October 2020.
[points2surf_paper] [short video]
Conference Paper
Simon Pointner
Controllable Animation for Information Visualisation
Bachelor Thesis
Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
VR and Visualization in Industry, 19. October 2020, Nanchang, China
Invited Talk
Lukas LippORCID iD
Real-Time Ray Tracing in Quake III
Master Thesis
Silvana Zechmeister
Interactive Visualization of Vector Data on Heightfields
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Sebastian Mazza, Daniel Patel, Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Homomorphic-Encrypted Volume Rendering
IEEE Transactions on Visualization andComputer Graphics, 27:1-10, October 2020. [image] [Paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Katarína Furmanová, Nicolas Grossmann, Ludvig Paul Muren, Oscar Casares-Magaz, Vitali Moiseenko, John P. Einck, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
VAPOR: Visual Analytics for the Exploration of Pelvic Organ Variability in Radiotherapy
Computer & Graphics, 91:25-38, October 2020.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Jakob Pernsteiner
Ensuring the Effectiveness of CHC++ in Vulkan
Bachelor Thesis
Renata RaidouORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Slice and Dice: A PhysicalizationWorkflow for Anatomical Edutainment
Computer Graphics Forum (CGF), x:1-12, October 2020. [example] [image] [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Marwin SchindlerORCID iD, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
The Anatomical Edutainer
In IEEE Vis Short Papers 2020, pages 1-5. October 2020.
[image] [paper preprint]
Conference Paper
Ladislav Čmolík, Václav Pavlovec, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Martin Nöllenburg
Mixed Labeling: Integrating Internal and External Labels
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), x:1-14, September 2020. [image] [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Data Analysis, 19. September 2020, Bejing
Invited Talk
Akari Iijima, Takayuki Itoh, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD, Nicolas Grossmann
Visualization of Semantic Differential Studies with a Large Number of Images, Participants and Attributes
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV2020), pages 1-6. September 2020.
[image] [paper]
Conference Paper
Narumi Kuroko, Hayato Ohya, Takayuki Itoh, Nicolas Grossmann, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Visualization of Correlations between Places of Music Listening and Acoustic Features
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Information Visualisation (iV2020), pages 1-6. September 2020.
[image] [paper]
Conference Paper
Helen C. Purchase, Daniel Archambault, Stephen Kobourov, Martin Nöllenburg, Sergey Pupyrev, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
The Turing Test for Graph Drawing Algorithms
In Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD2020), pages 1-16. September 2020.
[image] [paper]
Conference Paper
Christoph Presch
Semi-Automatic Creation of Concept Maps
[Master Thesis] [Poster] [teaser]
Master Thesis
Fabrizia Bechtold
Getting Insight on Animal Behaviour through Interactive Visualization of Multiple T-Maze Ensembles
[Bachelor thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Daniela Stoll
Tactile Multi-Media Guide - Interaction design on tactile reliefs
[Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
The processing steps of the dataset generation shown as a graph. Maximilian Riegler
High-Performance Framework for Dataset Generation
Bachelor Thesis
Meliha Honic, Iva KovacicORCID iD, Ildar Gilmutdinov, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Scan to BIM for the Semi-Automated Generation of a Material Passport for an Existing Building
In Proceedings of the 37th International Conference of CIB W78, pages 338-346. August 2020.
Conference Paper
Johannes Otepka, Gottfried Mandlburger, Markus Schütz, Norbert Pfeifer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Loading and Visualization of Massive Feature-Richt Point Clouds Without Hierarchical Acceleration Structures
ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B2-2020:293-300, August 2020. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Anna Sebernegg, Peter Kán, Hannes KaufmannORCID iD
Motion Similarity Modeling - A State of the Art Report
TR-193-02-2020-5, August 2020 [arXiv]
Technical Report
Christian FreudeORCID iD, Hiroyuki SakaiORCID iD, Karoly Zsolnai-FehérORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
R-Score: A Novel Approach to Compare Monte Carlo Renderings
TR-193-02-2020-4, August 2020 [technical-report]
Technical Report
Elias Brugger, Christian FreudeORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Test Scene Design for Physically Based Rendering

[paper] [arXiv]
Miscellaneous Publication
Milena Nowak
Hierarchical Multi-resolution Data Structure for Molecular Visualization
[Image] [Master Thesis]
Master Thesis
Theresa Neubauer
Volumetric Image Segmentation on Multimodal Medical Images using Deep Learning
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Linus Horvath, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Improved Triangle Encoding for Cached Adaptive Tessellation
Poster shown at HPG 2020 ( 1. May 2020-22. June 2020)
[paper] [poster]
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Yasaman Ahmadi, Armanda J Wilson, Morgan Beeby, Ivan ViolaORCID iD, Ivan Barisic
Adenita: interactive 3D modelling and visualization of DNA nanostructures
Nucleic Acids Research, July 2020.
Journal Paper (without talk)
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