Annette Mossel, Christian Schönauer, Mario Froeschl, Andreas Peer, Johannes Göllner, Hannes KaufmannORCID iD
Immersive training of first responder squad leaders in untethered virtual reality
Virtual Reality, 204:1-15, December 2020.


  • Publication Type: Journal Paper (without talk)
  • Workgroup(s)/Project(s): not specified
  • Date: December 2020
  • DOI: 10.1007/s10055-020-00487-x
  • Journal: Virtual Reality
  • Volume: 204
  • Pages: 1 – 15
  • Keywords: Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Augmented Virtuality, Training, First Responder, Interaction, 3D Object Interaction


We present the VROnSite platform that supports immersive training of first responder units´ on-site squad leaders. Our training platform is fully immersive, entirely untethered to ease use and provides two means of navigation-abstract and natural walking-to simulate stress and exhaustion, two important factors for decision making. With the platform´s capabilities, we close a gap in prior art for first responder training. Our research is closely interlocked with stakeholders from multiple fire brigades to gather early feedback in an iterative design process. In this paper, we present the system´s design rationale, provide insight into the process of training scenario development and present results of a user study with 41 squad leaders from the firefighting domain. Virtual disaster environments with two different navigation types were evaluated using quantitative and qualitative measures. Participants considered our platform highly suitable for training of decision making in complex first responder scenarios and results show the importance of the provided navigation technologies in this context.

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  title =      "Immersive training of first responder squad leaders in
               untethered virtual reality",
  author =     "Annette Mossel and Christian Sch\"{o}nauer and Mario
               Froeschl and Andreas Peer and Johannes G\"{o}llner and
               Hannes Kaufmann",
  year =       "2020",
  abstract =   "We present the VROnSite platform that supports immersive
               training of first responder units´ on-site squad leaders.
               Our training platform is fully immersive, entirely
               untethered to ease use and provides two means of
               navigation-abstract and natural walking-to simulate stress
               and exhaustion, two important factors for decision making.
               With the platform´s capabilities, we close a gap in prior
               art for first responder training. Our research is closely
               interlocked with stakeholders from multiple fire brigades to
               gather early feedback in an iterative design process. In
               this paper, we present the system´s design rationale,
               provide insight into the process of training scenario
               development and present results of a user study with 41
               squad leaders from the firefighting domain. Virtual disaster
               environments with two different navigation types were
               evaluated using quantitative and qualitative measures.
               Participants considered our platform highly suitable for
               training of decision making in complex first responder
               scenarios and results show the importance of the provided
               navigation technologies in this context.",
  month =      dec,
  doi =        "10.1007/s10055-020-00487-x",
  journal =    "Virtual Reality",
  volume =     "204",
  pages =      "1--15",
  keywords =   "Virtual Reality, Mixed Reality, Augmented Virtuality,
               Training, First Responder, Interaction, 3D Object
  URL =        "",