
74 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Florian Staudacher
3D-Printing to Understand Complex Topologies
[Bachelor thesis] [Image]
Bachelor Thesis
Simon Maximilian Fraiss
Construction and Visualization of Gaussian Mixture Models from Point Clouds for 3D Object Representation
[Master thesis] [poster]
Master Thesis
Iana Podkosova, Julia Reisinger, Hannes KaufmannORCID iD, Iva KovacicORCID iD
BIMFlexi-VR: A Virtual Reality Framework for Early-Stage Collaboration in Flexible Industrial Building Design
Frontiers in Virtual Reality, 3:1-13, February 2022.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Konstantin Lackner
Integrating GPU-based fluid simulation with Metaball rendering
[Bachelor thesis] [Image]
Bachelor Thesis
Patrik Szabó
Tour of Life: A Game of Life Learning Experience
Bachelor Thesis
Elitza Vasileva
Immersive Visual Analysis of Time-Dependent Multivariate Data Using Virtual Reality
[Master Thesis] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Martin Rumpelnik
Productivity Features for a C++/Vulkan Rendering Framework and Modernization of Its Code Base
[Auto-Vk on GitHub] [Auto-Vk-Toolkit on GitHub]
Student Project
View Frustum Culling on a per-meshlet basis in action. Jakob Pernsteiner
Improvements and Additional Features for a Mesh Shader-Based Research Project
[paper page] [Auto-Vk-Toolkit on GitHub]
Student Project
Linus Horvath
Improved Triangle Encoding for Cached Adaptive Tessellation
Bachelor Thesis
Thomas Steinschauer
Change Detection using the InfiniTAM framework
[bachelor thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
David Kouřil
How to ACTUALLY write papers, 21. January 2022, Vienna
Invited Talk
Johannes Pauschenwein
Real-Time Collision Detection and Handling of Molecules for Animation and Modelling
[Bachelor thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Bongshin Lee, Silvia MikschORCID iD, Anders Ynnerman, Anastasia BezerianosORCID iD, Jian Chen, Wei ChenORCID iD, Christopher Collins, Michael Gleicher, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Alexander Lex, Bernhard Preim, Jinwook Seo, Ruediger Westermann, Jing Yang, Xiaoru Yuan, Han-Wei Shen, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Shixia Liu
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 28(1):xiv-xxiii, January 2022.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Aron Kovacs, Jonas Braukmann
X-Mas Card 2022
X-Mas Card
Xi Wang-Sukalia
Many-Objective Optimization for Maximum Flexibility in Industrial Building Design
[Master thesis]
Master Thesis
Monika Wißmann
Anatomy-Driven Layouting for Brain Network Visualization
[Master thesis]
Master Thesis
Tobias Batik, Soeren TerziadisORCID iD, Yu-Shuen Wang, Martin Nöllenburg, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
Shape-Guided Mixed Metro Map Layout
, 41:495-506, 2022.
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Kevin Streicher
Digital Surveying of Large Scale Multi-Layered Terrain
[Master thesis] [poster]
Master Thesis
Stefan OhrhallingerORCID iD, Amal Dev Parakkat, Jiju Peethambaran
ECCV 2022 Tutorial on Outline and Shape Reconstruction in 2D, 22-10-23-22-10-27, Tel Aviv
Invited Talk
Judith Louis-Alexandre Dit Petit-Frere
Visual Exploration of Indirect Biases in Natural Language Processing Transformer Models
[Master thesis]
Master Thesis
Tanja Eichner, Eric MörthORCID iD, Kari Strøno Wagner-LarsenORCID iD, Njål Lura, Ingfrid S. HaldorsenORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Stefan BrucknerORCID iD, Noeska N. Smit
MuSIC: Multi-sequential interactive co-registration for cancer imaging data based on segmentation masks
In VCBM 2022 : Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 81-91. 2022.
Conference Paper
Tek Sin Chung
Statistical methodologies for assessing an artificial intelligence (AI) software in a diagnostic setting
[Master thesis]
Master Thesis
Ádam Böröndy, Katarína Furmanová, Renata RaidouORCID iD
Understanding the impact of statistical and machine learning choices on predictive models for radiotherapy
In VCBM 2022: Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 65-69. 2022.
Conference Paper
Hannah Bayat
Multi-faceted Visual Analysis of Inter-Observer Variability
[Master thesis]
Master Thesis
|◀ Results 51 - 74 of 74 ▶|
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