

A 2-day Rust tutorial was prepared and given which introduces the Rust programming language to Computer Graphics students and assistants. Its contents are based on Google's "Comprehensive Rust" tutorial, trimmed down to two days, and adapted to the target audience (expected to have a solid background in systems programming and a strong background in graphics programming).

Additional Files and Images

Additional images and videos

video recording 1: Partial video recording of day 1, forenoon video recording 1: Partial video recording of day 1, forenoon
video recording 2: Partial video recording of day 1, afternoon video recording 2: Partial video recording of day 1, afternoon
video recording 3: Partial video recording of day 2, forenoon video recording 3: Partial video recording of day 2, forenoon

Additional files



  title =      "Rust Tutorial",
  author =     "Stefan Brandmair",
  year =       "2024",
  abstract =   "A 2-day Rust tutorial was prepared and given which
               introduces the Rust programming language to Computer
               Graphics students and assistants. Its contents are based on
               Google's "Comprehensive Rust" tutorial, trimmed down to two
               days, and adapted to the target audience (expected to have a
               solid background in systems programming and a strong
               background in graphics programming).",
  month =      jul,
  keywords =   "Rust, Systems Programming, Tutorial",
  URL =        "",