
10 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Peter Fuchs
Efficient User Guidance to Next-Best-View Scan Positions
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Steinheber
Observation and Tracking of Plant Health using Computer Vision
Bachelor Thesis
Munir Yousif Elagabani
Implementierung eines Hybrid Renderers in Rust unter Verwendung einer Forward+ Pipeline
[bachelor-thesis] [image]
Bachelor Thesis
Henry EhlersORCID iD, Nicolas BrichORCID iD, Michael Krone, Martin Nöllenburg, Jiacheng Yu, Hiroaki NatsukawaORCID iD, Xiaoru Yuan, Hsiang-Yun WuORCID iD
An introduction to and survey of biological network visualization
COMPUTERS & GRAPHICS-UK, 126, February 2025.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Maath MuslehORCID iD, Davide Ceneda, Henry EhlersORCID iD, Renata RaidouORCID iD
ConAn: Measuring and Evaluating User Confidence in Visual Data Analysis Under Uncertainty
Computer Graphics Forum, 44(1), February 2025.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Philipp Holzer
Enhancing Dashboard Onboarding via LLMs
Bachelor Thesis
Vaishali Dhanoa, Andreas Hinterreiter, Vanessa Fediuk, Niklas ElmqvistORCID iD, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Marc Streit
D-Tour: semi-automatic generation of interactive guided tours for visualization dashboard onboarding
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 31(1):721-731, January 2025. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Florian Steinschorn
SPSR Parameter determined by Neural Network
[report] [Repo]
Student Project
Andreas Walch, Attila Szabo, Harald Steinlechner, Thomas Ortner, Eduard GröllerORCID iD, Johanna SchmidtORCID iD
BEMTrace: Visualization-driven approach for deriving Building Energy Models from BIM
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 31(1):240-250, January 2025.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Mario Stoff
Prototypical Visualization: Using Prototypical Networks for Visualizing Large Unstructured Data
Master Thesis
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