Calvin Metzger
Semantically meaningful vectorization of line art in drawn animation

Matthias Matt
Class-Centric Visual Interactive Labeling using Property Measures

Martin Riegelnegg
Automated Extraction of Complexity Measures from Engineering Drawings

Maximilian Staats
Alpine Terrain Relighting

Felix Kugler
Reconstructing Production Data from Drawn Limited Animation

Han Liang
Smooth textured surface reconstruction from point cloud rendered images as well as path traced images using variational methods

Lukas HerzbergerORCID iD
Scalable Web-based Volume Rendering for Large-scale Biomedical Data Sets

Johannes EschnerORCID iD
Real-Time Avalanche Risk Visualization on a Large-Scale Geospatial Dataset

Kerstin Hofer (Department Creative Technologies, University of Applied Sciences Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria)
Sketch to 3d-Model using Deep Learning and Differentiable Rendering
[Method] [Thesis] [Source Code]

Wolfgang Rumpler
Real-Time Distortion Correction Methods for Curved Monitors
[poster] [thesis]

Ádam Böröndy
Exploring and understanding the impact of machine learning choices on radiotherapy decision making

Lucas da Cunha Melo
Constraint-Based 3D Manipulation for Molecular Modelling on the Web

Michelle Duong
Investigating the Effect of Tumor Segmentations on Radiomics Analysis through Visual Analytics

Sarah El-Sherbiny
Visual Analytics to Support Correlative Exploration and Sensemaking in Radiogenomics Analysis

Thorsten Korpitsch
Semantic-Aware Animation of Hand-Drawn Characters

Stefanie Mistelbauer
A Holistic Approach for Metabolic Pathway Visualization

Michael Oppitz
Advanced Importance Sampling Techniques for Virtual Ray Lights
[poster] [thesis]

Anna Shilo
Visual narratives against misleading visualizations in health care

Michaela Tuscher
Quantitative Evaluation of Reading Times and Error Rates When Interpreting Visual Content

Oliver Stritzel
Predicting and Communicating Outcome of COVID-19 Hospitalizations with Medical Image and Clinical Data
[Master thesis]

Magdalena Vogel
Prediction of Accelerated Knee Osteoarthritis Using a Convolutional Neural Network
[Master thesis]

Tanja Eichner
Interactive Co-Registration for Multi-Modal Cancer Imaging Data based on Segmentation Masks
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Lukas Geyer
Adaptive Sampling in position based fluids
[poster] [thesis]

Stefan Sietzen
Visual Analytics for Convolutional Neural Network Robustness
[Master thesis] [poster] [online playground]

Simon Maximilian Fraiss
Construction and Visualization of Gaussian Mixture Models from Point Clouds for 3D Object Representation
[Master thesis] [poster]

Elitza Vasileva
Immersive Visual Analysis of Time-Dependent Multivariate Data Using Virtual Reality
[Master Thesis] [Poster]

Hannah Bayat
Multi-faceted Visual Analysis of Inter-Observer Variability
[Master thesis]

Tek Sin Chung
Statistical methodologies for assessing an artificial intelligence (AI) software in a diagnostic setting
[Master thesis]

Judith Louis-Alexandre Dit Petit-Frere
Visual Exploration of Indirect Biases in Natural Language Processing Transformer Models
[Master thesis]

Kevin Streicher
Digital Surveying of Large Scale Multi-Layered Terrain
[Master thesis] [poster]

Xi Wang-Sukalia
Many-Objective Optimization for Maximum Flexibility in Industrial Building Design
[Master thesis]

Monika Wißmann
Anatomy-Driven Layouting for Brain Network Visualization
[Master thesis]

Caroline Magg
Development and Visual Assessment of a Cross-Modal Brain Tumor Segmentation Pipeline

Stefan Zaufl
Agent Based Pedestrian Simulation in Visdom
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Maximilian Sbardellati
Exploratory Visual System for Predictive Machine Learning of Event-Organisation Data
[poster] [thesis]

Victoria Caic
Modelling the Effect of emotional Feedback as Stimulus in fMRI Neurofeedback
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Alexander Bayer
Foot Tracking in Virtual Reality

Marija Priselac
Visual Analytics of Spatial Time Series Data
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Rebecca Nowak
Interactive Correlation Panels for the Geological Mapping of the Martian Surface
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Maath MuslehORCID iD
Visual Analysis of Industrial Multivariate Time-Series Data: Effective Solution to Maximise Insights from Blow Moulding Machine Sensory Data

Troidl Jakob
Spatial Neighborhood Analysis and Comparison for Nanoscale Brain Structures
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster] [Video]

Dominik Scholz
A Modular Domain-Specific Language for Interactive 3D Visualization
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Sebastian Mazza
Homomorphic-Encrypted Volume Rendering
[Image] [Master Thesis]

Jasmin Mahler
A Study of Multi-Document Active Reading in Analog and Digital Environments
[poster] [thesis]

Lukas Eibensteiner
Polyphonic music composition with grammars
[poster] [thesis]

Reinhard Sprung
Mobile Collaborating Robots for Direct Haptics in Mixed Reality
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Sandra Schmidlehner
Standards-based Clinical Data Repository
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Lisa-Maria Kellner
Klassifikation Urbaner Punktwolken Mittels 3D CNNs In Kombination mit Rekonstruktion von Gehsteigen

Thomas Bernhard Koch
Visibility precomputation with RTX ray tracing
[poster] [thesis]

Payam Chini Foroushan
Visual Analytics for the Exploration of Cultural Models

Christian Kößler
Interactive 3D dense surface exploration in immersive virtual reality

Bettina Schlager
Design and development of an immersive collaborative geographical environment for tactical decision-making

Daniel PahrORCID iD
Vologram: Educational Craftworks for Volume Physicalization
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Klara Brandstätter
Building a Sandbox Towards Investigating the Behavior of Control Algorithms and Training of Real-World Robots
[Master Thesis] [Poster]

Andreas Gogel
Visualization-Guided Classification of Carbonized Seeds from Early Human Civilizations
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Alexander Gall
Immersive Analytics of Multidimensional Volumetric Data
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Anja Heim
Visual Comparison of Multivariate Data Ensembles
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Thomas Köppel
Context-Responsive Labeling in Augmented Reality
[Image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Lukas LippORCID iD
Real-Time Ray Tracing in Quake III

Silvana Zechmeister
Interactive Visualization of Vector Data on Heightfields
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Christoph Presch
Semi-Automatic Creation of Concept Maps
[Master Thesis] [Poster] [teaser]

Daniela Stoll
Tactile Multi-Media Guide - Interaction design on tactile reliefs
[Master Thesis] [Poster]

Milena Nowak
Hierarchical Multi-resolution Data Structure for Molecular Visualization
[Image] [Master Thesis]

Theresa Neubauer
Volumetric Image Segmentation on Multimodal Medical Images using Deep Learning
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Alexander Reznicek
FPGARay: Accelerating Physically Based Rendering Using FPGAs
[poster] [thesis]

Martin Mautner
Interactive 3D Storytelling for Planetary Exploration
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Blagoy Panayotov
A Visual Exploration Tool forTemporal Analysis of CustomerReviews
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Bálint Istvan Kovács
VR Bridges: An Approach to Simulating Uneven Surfaces in VR
[Image] [Master Thesis]

Katharina Unger
Interactive Visual Exploration ofLarge Bipartite Graphs usingFirework Plots
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster] [Firework Plots Online]

Stefan Spelitz
BrainGait: Gait Event Detection and Visualization for Robotic Rehabilitation
[Master Thesis]

Manuel Schrempf
Fantastic Voyage: An AugmentedReality Approach to AnatomicalEducation for the General Public
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Nicolas Swoboda
Visualisation and Interaction Techniques for the Exploration of the Fruit Fly’s Neural Structure
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Peter Houska
Improved Persistent Grid Mapping
[poster] [thesis]

Laura R. LuidoltORCID iD
Perception of Light in Virtual Reality
[poster] [thesis]

Christian Johannes Tomaschitz
Erlernen von Programmieren an Oberstufen der Gymnasien Österreichs durch Computergrafik-unterstützte Ausgabe
[poster] [thesis]

Stefan Stappen
Improving Real-Time Rendering Quality and Efficiency using Variable Rate Shading on Modern Hardware
[poster] [thesis]

Andreas Winkler
Pose-Driven Generation and Optimization of Seating Furniture
[poster] [thesis]

Michael Mazurek
Visual Active Learning for News Stream Classification
[image] [Master thesis] [Poster]

David Pfahler
Visualisierung hochdimensionaler Daten mit hierarchischer Gruppierung von Teilmengen
[image] [Master Thesis] [Poster]

Nicolas Grossmann
Pelvis Runner - Comparative Visualization of Anatomical Changes
[image] [Master thesis] [Poster]

Robert Horvath
Image-Space Metaballs Using Deep Learning
[image] [Master Thesis]

Pascal Plank
Effective Line Drawing Generation
[image] [Master Thesis]

Georg Bernold
Establishing Precision Rehabilitation: Visual Analytics for predicting the outcome of personalized rehabilitation processes

Eric MörthORCID iD
Interactive Reformation of Fetal Ultrasound Data to a T-Position
[image] [Master Thesis]

David Schüller-Reichl
Mapping of Realism in Rendering onto Perception of Presence in Augmented Reality

Lukas Prost
Real-Time Photometric Area Light Approximation for Interactive Lighting Design
[poster] [thesis]

Florence Gutekunst
Guided Data Cleansing of Large Connectivity Matrices
[image] [Master thesis] [Poster]

Johanna Donabauer
VR-Client for Scenario-based Response Training in Disaster Management
[image] [Master thesis] [Poster]

Christian Prossenitsch
Outdoor Inside-Out Linear Image Sensor Tracking

Florian Laager
Robust Registration of Range Images
[image] [thesis]

Wolfgang Ludwig
Radial Diagrams for the Visual Analysis of Wind Energy Production Data
[image] [Poster]

Thomas Trautner
Importance-Driven Exploration of Molecular Dynamics Simulations
[image] [Poster]

Thomas Gamper
Ocean Surface Generation and Rendering
[poster] [thesis]

Klaus Eckelt
Data-Driven User Guidance in Multi-Attribute Data Exploration
[image] [Poster]

Stefan Ovidiu Oancea
Four Texture Algorithms for Recognizing Early Signs of Osteoarthritis. Data from the Multicenter Osteoarthritis Study.
[image] [poster]

Daniel Steinböck
Interactive Visual Exploration Interface for Large Bipartite Networks
[Master Thesis] [Poster] [sketch]

Nikolaus Karall
Comparative Visual Analytics in a Cohort of Breast Cancer Patients
[image] [Master Thesis]

Matthias Gusenbauer
Bitstream - A bottom-up/top-down hybrid approach for web-based visual analysis of big data
[image] [Master thesis]

Michael Vasiljevs
Procedural Modelling of Park Layouts
[poster] [thesis]

Oliver Reiter
Comparative Visualization of Pelvic Organ Segmentations
[image] [Master Thesis]

Attila Szabo
A Composable and Reusable Photogrammetric Reconstruction Library

Dominik Bauer
Evaluation of the Recognition Distances of Safety Signs in VR Considering Vision Impairments
[poster] [thesis]

Lukas Pezenka
BrainXPlore - Decision finding in Brain Biopsy Planning
[image] [Master Thesis]

Clemens Rögner
Temporal Upsampling for Image Sequences Using a Non-Local Means Algorithm
[poster] [thesis]

Adam Celarek
Quantifying the Convergence of Light-Transport Algorithms
[poster] [thesis]

Bernhard Rainer
Interactive Shape Detection in Out-of-Core Point Clouds for Assisted User Interactions
[image] [Master thesis]

Felix Kreuzer
Using Perception-Based Filtering to Hide Shadow Artifacts
[poster] [thesis]

Christoph Weinzierl
Adaptively Clustered Reflective Shadow Maps
[poster] [thesis]

Ivalina Jordakieva
Visualization of Filter Rules in Autonomous Software-Agents
[poster] [thesis]

Philipp ErlerORCID iD
Haptic Feedback in Room-Scale VR
[thesis] [VR Apps Repo] [Analyzer Repo]

Silvana Podaras
Automated Classification of Road-Surface Types Based on Crowd-Sourced Data
[poster] [thesis]

Daniel Gehrer
Visualization of molecular machinery using agent-based animation
[image] [Master thesis]

Andreas Walch
Lens Flare Prediction based on Measurements with Real-Time Visualization

David Kouřil
Maya2CellVIEW: 3D Package Integrated Tool for Creating Large and Complex Molecular Scenes

Klemens Jahrmann
Interactive Grass Rendering in Real Time Using Modern OpenGL Features
[poster] [thesis]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD
Realistic Rendering in Mobile Augmented Reality
[poster] [thesis]

Markus Schütz
Potree: Rendering Large Point Clouds in Web Browsers
[poster] [thesis]

Florian Spechtenhauser
Visual Analytics for Rule-Based Quality Management of Multivariate Data

Katharina KröslORCID iD
Interactive, Progressive Photon Tracing using a Multi-Resolution Image-Filtering Approach
[poster] [thesis]

Daniel Prieler
Real-time Meshing for Noisy Points
[poster] [thesis]

Matthias Labschütz
An Adaptive, Hybrid Data Structure for Sparse Volume Data on the GPU
[Poster] [Thesis]

Kurt Leimer
Co-Analysis and Parameterization of 3D Shape Collections for Shape Synthesis
[poster] [thesis]

Lukas Meindl
Omnidirectional Stereo Rendering of Virtual Environments

Simon Wallner
Applying Information Theory to Formal Models of Play
[Poster] [Thesis]

Tobias Klein
Towards Interactive Visual Exploration of Parallel Programs using a Domain-specific Language
[Poster] [Thesis]

Anna Frühstück
Decoupling Object Manipulation from Rendering in a Thin Client Visualization System
[Poster] [Thesis]

Christian Hafner
Optimization of Natural Frequencies for Fabrication-Aware Shape Modeling

Christian Hirsch
Automatic Breast Lesion Examination of DCE-MRI Data Based on Fourier Analysis
[Poster] [Thesis]

Michael May
Design and Implementation of a Shader Infrastructure and Abstraction Layer

Franz Spitaler
Procedural Generation of 3D Building-Interiors
[poster] [thesis]

Sebastian Sippl
A Framework for GPU-Assisted Generation and Composition of Inductive Rotation Patterns
[Poster] [Thesis]

Felix Fleiß
Interactive Exploration of Architecture Using Exploded Views
[poster] [thesis]

Manuel Hochmayr
Parameter Settings Exploration in Visualisation by Using a Semi-automatic Process
[Poster] [Thesis]

Haichao Miao
Visual Quantification of the Circle of Willis in Stroke Patients
[poster] [Thesis]

Maria Wimmer
Semi-Automatic Spine Labeling on T1- and T2-weighted MRI Volume Data
[Poster] [Thesis]

Michael Beham
Parameter Spaces of Cups: Cluster-based Exploration of a Geometry Generator

Christian Freude
Extending Separable Subsurface Scattering to Arbitrary Materials
[poster] [thesis]

Thomas Weber
Micropolygon Rendering on the GPU

Matthias Adorjan
The OpenSFM Database

Simon Brenner
Projector-Based Textures for 3D-Printed Models - Tangible Molecular Visualization

Johannes Bauer
Integration of Web-Based Information Visualizations into a Scientific Visualization Environment
[Poster] [Thesis]

Daniel Cornel
Analysis of Forced Random Sampling

Bernhard Steiner
Structure-aware shape manipulation
[poster] [thesis]

Edith Langer
Image Retrieval on Co-registered Confocal Microscopy Image Collections
[image] [master thesis]

Christian Möllinger
Interactive Data Editing of Time-Dependent Data in Visual Analysis
[master thesis]

Markus Tragust
Integrating Annotations into a Point-based Rendering System

Florian Mistelbauer

Onur Dogangönül
Shading Framework for Modern Rendering Engines
[poster] [thesis]

Heinrich Fink
GPU-based Video Processing in the Context of TV Broadcasting
[poster] [thesis]

Ivan Maricic
Visual Feature Exploration for ssTEM Image Segmentation
[Poster] [Thesis]

Simon Parzer
Irrational Image Generator
[Poster] [Thesis]

Aaron Meier-Stauffer
Realistic Local Lighting in Dynamic Height Fields
[poster] [thesis]

Johannes Novotny
Application of Smart Visibility on Medical 3D Ultrasound Datasets
[Paper] [Poster]

Markus Ernst
Comparison of Image Blurring Techniques on Modern Graphics Processing Hardware
[poster] [thesis]

Günther Voglsam
Real-time Ray Tracing on the GPU - Ray Tracing using CUDA and kD-Trees
[Poster] [Thesis]

Dietmar Pangerl
Games with a Purpose: Design and implementation of serious games to determine the global land cover
[Poster] [Thesis]

Johannes Sorger
neuroMap - Interactive Graph-Visualization of the Fruit Fly’s Neural Circuit
[Poster] [Thesis]

Benjamin Beer
Visualisierung von Eishockeystatistiken auf mobilen Endgeräten

Clemens Arbesser
Large-Scale Noise Simulation and Visualization of Moving Point Sources

Christoph Winklhofer
Reflections, Refractions and Caustics in a Mixed-Reality Environment

Stephan Zapotocky
Image-Based Modeling with Polyhedral Primitives
[image] [thesis]

Michael Woerister
A caching system for a dependency-aware scene graph

Florian Felberbauer
Games with Purpose - Improving 3D Model and Land Cover Data using Crowdsourcing
[poster] [thesis]

Thomas Mühlbacher
Real-Time Rendering of Measured Materials
[Poster] [Thesis]

Lukas Rössler
Rendering Interactive Maps on Mobile Devices Using Graphics Hardware
[poster] [thesis]

Michael Hecher
A Comparative Perceptual Study of Soft Shadow Algorithms
[poster] [thesis]

Stephan Pajer
Visualization Of Multivariate Networks
[Poster] [Thesis]

Florian Stabel
User-driven Manipulation of Geospatial Data
[Poster] [Thesis]

Michael Birsak
Coloring Meshes of Archaeological Datasets
[Poster] [Thesis]

Roman Gurbat
Sketch-Based Steering in Visdom

Christian Basch
Animated Transitions Across Multiple Dimensions for Volumetric Data

Fritz-Michael Gschwantner
Advanced Measurement and Quantification of Industrial CT Data

Georg Tanzmeister
Interactive 3D Reconstruction and BRDF Estimation for Mixed Reality Environments
[Poster] [Thesis]

Tobias Fechter
Deformation Based Manual Segmentation in Three and Four Dimensions

Christian Niederreiter
Spectral Mipmapping
[Poster] [Thesis]

Martin Stingl
Robust Hard Shadows
[poster] [thesis]

Andreas Grünauer
Coronary Artery Tracking with Rule-based Gap Closing

Marcel Nürnberg
Cell-Based Object Representation
[Poster] [thesis]

Johanna SchmidtORCID iD
Interactive Variability Analysis for Initial Sample Testing of Industrial CT Data

Axel Goldmann
Towards GPU Speech Coding
[poster] [thesis]

Martin Kinkelin
Variational Reconstruction and GPU Ray-Casting of Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-Spline Pyramids

Le Zhang
Improving the Visibility of In-Game Advertisements
[poster] [thesis]

Norbert Ketterl
Weighted Mesh Simplification of 3D Triangular Surfaces
[Poster] [Thesis]

Stefan Marek
Normal Estimation of Very Large Point Clouds
[poster] [thesis]

Thomas Kment
Spectral data representation techniques for realistic image synthesis

Michael Hanzl
Spontaneous Social Networks

Gabriele Hebart
Color Adjustment of Colored Range Images
[poster] [thesis]

Benedikt Stehno
Rapid Visualization Development based on Visual Programming

Gábor Sörös
Augmented Visualization

Florian Bagar
A Layered Particle-Based Fluid Model for Real-Time Rendering of Water
[poster] [thesis]

Albert Julian Mayer
Virtual Texturing
[poster] [Thesis]

Michael Hornáček
Extracting Vanishing Points across Multiple Views

Gabriel Mistelbauer
Automated Processing and Visualization of Vessel Trees
[image] [paper]

Johannes Scharl
Artist-Controlled Modeling of Urban Environments
[poster] [thesis]

Veronika Solteszova
Visual Queries in Neuronal Data Exploration

David Major
Markov Random Field Based Structure Localisation of Vertebrae for 3D-Segmentation of the Spine in CT Volume Data
[image] [paper]

Reinhold PreinerORCID iD
Interactive Curved Reflections in Large Point Clouds
[poster] [thesis]

Andreas Ritzberger
Noise and Artifact Reduction in Interactive Volume Renderings of Electron-Microscopy Data-Sets
[image] [paper]

Jakob Spörk
High-performance GPU based Rendering for Real-Time, rigid 2D/3D-Image Registration in Radiation Oncology
[image] [paper]

Matthias Maschek
Real time simulation of fire extinguishing scenarios

Stefan Reinalter
Visibility in a real-world cross-platform game engine
[poster] [Thesis]

Hrvoje Ribičić

Karl Grosse
Audio-Visual Perception in Interactive Virtual Environments
[image] [paper]

Meinrad Recheis
Automatic Recognition of Repeating Patterns in Rectified Facade Images
[figure] [thesis]

Andreas Opitz
Classification and Visualization of Volume Data using Clustering
[image] [paper]

Bilal Alsallakh
Interactive Visual Analysis of Relational Data and Applications in Event-Based Business Analytics
[image] [paper]

Clemens Brandorff
Enhancement, Registration, and Visualization of High Resolution Episcopic Microscopy Data
[image] [paper]

Martin Knecht
Real-Time Global Illumination Using Temporal Coherence
[poster] [thesis]

Christian Luksch
Implementation of an Improved Billboard Cloud Algorithm
[image] [thesis]

Nicolas Pühringer
Sketch-based Modelling for Volume Visualization
[image] [paper]

Herbert Grasberger
CSB: Combining traditional CSG with Blobs

Alexander Kusternig
Real-Time Rendering of Dynamic Vegetation
[image] [paper]

Stefan Müller
Interaktive Visualisierung Semantischer Graphen
[image] [paper]

Matthias Froschauer
Interactive Optimization, Distance Computation and Data Estimation in Parallel Coordinates
[image] [paper]

Michael Schwärzler
Accurate Soft Shadows in Real-Time Applications
[paper] [poster]

Laura Fritz
Interactive Exploration and Quantification of Industrial CT Data
[image] [paper]

Wolfgang Deix
Der Re-Compose Prototyp

Gerlinde Emsenhuber
Visibility Histograms in Direct Volume Rendering
[image] [paper]

Wolf Reitsamer
Texture Synthesis for Urban Data
[image] [thesis]

Andreas Ammer
Linking Science Together: How Networking Can Support Research – a Peer-to-Peer Approach
[image] [paper]

Philipp Hartl
Visualization of Calendar Data
[DAEV] [image] [poster] [Thesis] [vcd-paper]

Marius Gavrilescu
Visualization of Segmented Cine Data
[image] [paper]

Andreas Monitzer
Fluid Simulation on the GPU with Complex Obstacles Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method
[image] [paper]

Dey-Fuch Chiu
Penta G - A Game Engine for Real-Time Rendering Research

Manfred Satzer
Console Engine Design on the Example of the PlayStation 2 in Comparison to the PC

Murat Sari
Photorealistic Rendering Of Measured BRDF Data

Anton Frühstück
GPU based Clipmaps
[image] [paper]

Wolfgang Altendorfer
Void Tracking in SiC Particle Reinforced Al

Wolfgang Freiler
Set Type Enabled Information Visualization
[image] [paper]

Gernot Gebhart
Automatisches Generieren von 3D-Straßensystemen

Andreas Schöllhuber
Automatic Segmentation of Contrast Enhanced Cardiac MRI for Myocardial Perfusion Analysis

Robert Fizimayer
A Real-Time Cloud Animation and Illumination Method

Paul Guerrero
Approximative Real-time Soft Shadows and Diffuse Reflections in Dynamic Scenes

Johannes Kehrer
Integrating Interactive Visual Analysis of Large Time Series Data into the SimVis System

Benjamin Roch
Real-Time Tone Mapping Using Selective Rendering

Matthias Bauchinger
Designing a Modern Rendering Engine

Martin Haidacher
Importance-Driven Rendering in Interventional Imaging
[Masterthesis] [Video]

Gregor Lehninger
Simulation von städtischem Verkehr

Alexander Brandstätter
Visualization of Online Sales Databases

Markus Lipp
Interactive Computer Generated Architecture

Georg Selig
Vorberechnete interaktive physikalisch-basierte Animation von Vegetation am Beispiel Gras

Matthias Bernhard
Efficient CPU-based Direct Volume Rendering for CT-Angiography

Moritz Gerl
Volume Hatching for Illustrative Visualization

Markus Sabadello
History of Electronic Games

Georg Spielmann
A New Efficient Real-Time Global Tone Mapping Method

Erald Vucini

Christian Steiner
Shadow Volumes in Complex Scenes

Raphael Bürger
Ausarbeitung und Implementierung eines Verfahrens zum Editieren eines 3D-Volumens

Claus Scheiblauer
Hardware-Accelerated Rendering of Unprocessed Point Clouds

Nuno Daniel Raposo Subtil
Implementation of Dispersion Rendering Capabilities in the Advanced Rendering Toolkit

Leopold Kühschelm
Advanced Image-based Transfer Function Design

Olivier Toromanoff
An Adaptable Real-time Soft Shadow Algorithm for Multi-lit Semi-static Scenes

Daniel Scherzer
Shadow Mapping of Large Environments
[Diploma Thesis]

Sebastian Zambal
3D Active Appearance Models for Segmentation of Cardiac MRI Data

Martin Artner
High-Quality Volume Rendering with Resampling in the Frequency Domain

Christoph Dräger
A ChainMail Algorithm for Direct Volume Deformation in Virtual Endoscopy Applications

Alexander Hartmann
An Advanced Data Structure for Large Medical Datasets

Peter Rautek
D²VR High-Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data

Henning Scharsach
Advanced Raycasting for Virtual Endoscopy on Consumer Graphics Hardware

Michael Knapp
Memory Allocation Strategies for Large Volumetric Data-Sets

Stefan BrucknerORCID iD
Efficient Volume Visualization of Large Medical Datasets

Oliver Mattausch
Practical Reconstruction Schemes and Hardware-Accelerated Direct Volume Rendering on Body-Centered Cubic Grids

Harald Piringer
Occlusion Culling Using Hardware-Based Occlusion Queries

Ivan ViolaORCID iD
Applications of Hardware-Accelerated Filtering in Computer Graphics

Georg Zotti
A Multi-Purpose Virtual Reality Model of the Solar System (VRMoSS)

Gerald Hummel
Modellierung von Straßen für Echtzeitvisualisierung

Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interaktive Techniken im Bereich des dreidimensionalen Modelings

G. Ottendorfer
HAL (Hypothetic Assembler Language) Definition und Implementation

Ch. Schrammel
Darstellung von Partikelsystemen mit dem Ray-Tracing- Verfahren

St. Wagner
Software-Entwicklungswerkzeuge für graphische Benutzeroberflächen am Beispiel OSF/Motif

Alexander Flor
Adaptive Oberflächenunterteilung an Schattenkanten im Radiosity Verfahren

W Stocker
Kompression von Computer-Animationen

Ch. Lehninger
CUT, Verwaltungs- und Konstruktionssystem für Tischlereibetriebe

H. G. Schricker
Animation in der Mechanik

Peter Stiegelecker
Natürliche Pinsel auf dem Computer

R. Willmann
Aspekte der Gestaltung und Programmierung grafischer Benutzeroberflächen

B. Egyed
Realisierung eines Farbfehlsichtigkeitstests auf einem Farbmonitor

Peter Ferschin
Konstruktive Hilfsmittel für den CAD-Einsatz in der Architektur. Eine interaktive geometrische Orientierungshilfe und geometrische Relationen

Ch. Gregor
Shooting & Raytracing, ein Zwei-Schritt-Verfahren zur Erzeugung von realistischen Bildern

M. Kvasnicka
Computergestütztes Präsentationssystem

Robert F. Tobler
Texture Mapping für Raytracing

Y. Zhou
3D- Darstellung von Feldstärkeprognosedaten auf Kartenausschnitten

H. Reichardt
Ausnützung zeitlicher und räumlicher Kohährenz bei der Berechnung von Bildfolgen

E. Margraf
Parallelisierung von Bildverarbeitungsalgorithmen

G. Mattes

Th. Enengl
Ultrahochauflösende Digitale Bildverarbeitung auf Transputerbasis

Gerhard Hieß
A - Puffer für CSG-Bäume

S. Karimi

R. Müller

Ingeborg Tastl
Perceptual color spaces in der Computergraphik

F. Haider

Ch. Mauerhofer
Ein 3D- Editor für Sweeps

M. Ostendorf
HyperFont - Ein Tool für interaktives Typedesign

G Grasser

Martin Feda
Objekte-Orientiertes Ray- Tracing

G Baldauf
Entwicklung Graphischer Applikations-Software durch Konstruktion und Interpolation Anforderungsbeschreibender Modelle

G Baldauf
Entwicklung Graphischer Applikations-Software durch Konstruktion und Interpolation Anforderungsbeschreibender Modelle

P Öppinger

P Öppinger

E. Rosskogler
Modellierung und Animation des Menschen mit Hilfe des Computers

J Griessmair
Verbiegeoperatoren zur Modellierung komplexer Objekte

S. Huber
Ausnützung zeitlicher Kohärenz beim Raytracing

H. Künig
Geometrische Modellierung mit Bsp-Objekten

Michael Zeiller
Konfiguration Paralleler Prozessoren für Ray- Tracing

J. Bierbaumer
Ausnützung des NAS AS/9160 für Ray-Tracing

A. Fink
Ein 3D-Editor für CSG-Objekte

M. Kummer
Darstellung von Rasterbildern

A. Zoufal
Videoauswertungssystem für Tierbeobachtungen

W. Helpap
Halbschatten, diffuse Reflexion und Transparenz bei realistischen Computerbildern

Sebastian Zambal
Ausnützung der Kohärenz bei Ray-Tracing

Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Optimale Farbauswahl bei Ausgabegeräten in der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung

M. Slonek
Beschreibung und Darstellung komplexer Objekte

S. Zucker
Daten in der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung

G. Heinzl
Modellierung unscharfer Effekte durch Ray-Tracing

T. Rainer
Schattierungsmodelle in der Graphischen Datenverarbeitung

A. Wildpert
SOL, eine Objektbeschreibungssprache für Solid Modeling

Andreas Rögelsperger
Zweidimensionale Darstellung von Funktionen in zwei Veränderlichen

Ch. Pold
Erweiterung, Implementierung und Anwendung von PASCAL/Graph auf dem Personalcomputer Apple Lisa

Edwin Dworzak
Verbesserung der Bildqualität bei Rasterbildschirmen

K. Spannagl
Erweiterung von Modula/Graph

F. Abraschek
STATGRA - Ein Programmiersystem zur Erstellung statistischer Graphiken

E. Rappelsberger
Entwurf und Implementierung von Modula/Graph: Precompiler

J. Tiroch
Stand und Trends von CAS/ CAM

R. Veit
Entwurf und Implementierung von Modula/Graph: Laufzeitsystem

W. Stahl
Implementierung eines allgemeinen graphischen Editiersystems

Michael Gervautz
Entwurf und Implementierung des PASCAL/Graph-Precompilers

G. Heinke
Dialogtechniken mit graphischen Elementen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Mensch-Maschine Kommunikation

B. Schornstein
Entwurf für ein allgemeines graphisches Editiersystem

J. Heider
Installation von PASCAL/Bild auf einem Apple II Microcomputer: Laufzeitsystem

A. Klimbacher
Installation von PASCAL/Bild auf einem Apple II Microcomputer: Percompiler

C. Kreuzberger
Druckerschnittstelle für PASCAL/Bild

P. Lorenz
Verbindung von PASCAL/Bild mit dem graphischen System CALMA

Franz Barachini
Erweiterung von PASCAL/Bild um Metafiles und Implementierung in BS 2000

Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
Ein/Ausgabeprobleme an Mikroprozessor-Bildschirm-Kombinationen

F. Gober
Die Implemetierung von PASCAL/Bild

E. Scherzer
Entwurf einer Bildsprache und Implementierung eines Laufzeitsystems

Emanuel Wenger
Entwurf einer Bildsprache und Entwicklung eines Präkompilers