Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Lukas LippORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Markus Schütz
Fast Rendering of Parametric Objects on Modern GPUs
In EGPGV24: Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization. May 2024.
[image] [paper]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Matthias Hürbe, Gerald Kimmersdorfer, Elias Kristmann, Hiroyuki Sakai, Michael WimmerORCID iD
X-Mas Card 2023

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Vulkan all the way: Transitioning to a modern low-level graphics API in academia
Computers and Graphics, 111:155-165, April 2023. [paper] [Vulkan Launchpad] [Auto-Vk] [Auto-Vk-Toolkit]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Lukas LippORCID iD, Annalena UlschmidORCID iD, Viktoria Pogrzebacz, Andreas Wiesinger, Elias Kristmann
An Introduction to Vulkan, 7. February 2023, München
[Vulkan Launchpad]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
The Road to Vulkan: Teaching Modern Low-Level APIs in Introductory Graphics Courses
In Eurographics 2022 - Education Papers, pages 31-39. April 2022.
[paper] [Vulkan Launchpad]

Stefan Stappen, Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Temporally Stable Content-Adaptive and Spatio-Temporal Shading Rate Assignment for Real-Time Applications
In Pacific Graphics Short Papers, Posters, and Work-in-Progress Papers, pages 65-66. October 2021.

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Jakob Pernsteiner, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Conservative Meshlet Bounds for Robust Culling of Skinned Meshes
Computer Graphics Forum, 40(7):57-69, October 2021. [paper]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD, Bernhard KerblORCID iD, Markus Steinberger, Dieter Schmalstieg, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Fast Multi-View Rendering for Real-Time Applications
In Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 13-23. May 2020.

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD
Realistic Rendering in Mobile Augmented Reality
[poster] [thesis]

Johannes UnterguggenbergerORCID iD
Connected meshes for procedural humans