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210 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Representative image Dominik Schörkhuber
Fast KNN in Screenspace on GPGPU
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Ovidiu Oancea
Variance Orientation Transform Detection of Early Osteoarthritis in Knee Trabecular Bone
Bachelor Thesis
Johanna Donabauer
Advanced Screen Capturing
Bachelor Thesis
Matthias Glinzner
Texturing of 3D Objects using Simple Physics and Equilateral Triangle Patches
Bachelor Thesis
Overview Felix Kendlbacher
Introduction Of OpenStreetMap For The Automatic Generation Of Destination Maps
Bachelor Thesis
Eric MörthORCID iD
3D-Printing of Fetal Ultrasound
Bachelor Thesis
Matthias Reisacher
CellPathway a Simulation Tool for Illustrative Visualization of Biochemical Networks
Bachelor Thesis
Michael Krakhofer
Automatic Summarization of Image Sets
Bachelor Thesis
David Pfahler
In-Place Interaction in Dashboards
Bachelor Thesis
Matthias Gusenbauer
A Novel Mapping of Arbitrary Precision Integer Operations to the GPU
Bachelor Thesis
image Christoph Kollmann
Depth of Field: Point Splatting on Per-Pixel Layers
Bachelor Thesis
Pascal Plank
Human Visual Perception of 3D Surfaces
Bachelor Thesis
Alexander Bayer
"Gangsters and Pranksters: The Art of Thievery": A Multiplayer Stealth Game in the Context of the Generation of Dynamic Replay Videos
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Bydlinski
"Gangsters and Pranksters: The Art of Thievery": A Multiplayer Stealth Game in the Context of the Generation of Dynamic Replay Videos
Bachelor Thesis
Anna Gostler
Denoising Medical Surface Meshes for 3D-Printing
Bachelor Thesis
Oana Moraru
Cross-Platform Development Approaches tor the Mobile Device Platforms Android and iOS
Bachelor Thesis
Roman Püngüntzky2
HistoryTime: A Chrome history visualization using WebGL
Bachelor Thesis
Patrick Fürst
Control of Newtonian Fluids With Minimum Force Impact Using the Navier-Stokes Equations
[code] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Geyer
Volume-aware Mesh Resampling
Bachelor Thesis
logo Gernot Winkler
Advanced Modifications of a Basic Rendering Framework
Bachelor Thesis
Daniel Gehrer
CellUnity an Interactive Tool for Illustrative Visualization of Molecular Reactions
[Bakk Thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Zaufl
Unity OPC Importer and Renderer
Bachelor Thesis
Thomas Trautner
Visualizing Archaeological Excavations based on Unity3D
Bachelor Thesis
Leonard Weydemann
Implementation of a PIC simulation using WebGL
Bachelor Thesis
Mirza Filipovic
Noise Reduction in Medical DECT Data
Bachelor Thesis
Felix Kreuzer
Depixelizing Pixel Art on GPUs
Bachelor Thesis
Chris Bösch
The Chaser: Chrome Extension for History Visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Köll
Visualization in the Cloud
Bachelor Thesis
Silvana Podaras
Automated Lighting Design For Photorealistic Rendering
Bachelor Thesis
August Kampfer, Matthias Schötta
Tweebo - Ein Geo-Basierter Twitter-Client
Bachelor Thesis
Juergen Giefing
Physics-based Music Visualization
[image] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Andreas Schmid
Physics-based Music Visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Alex Hauer
Physics-based Music Visualization
[image] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Dominik Köhle
Spatiotemporal genealogy visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Marko Mlinaric
Direct Volume Rendering for Polygon Models Embedded into Volumetric CT Data
Bachelor Thesis
Manuel Andre, Georg Ursits
AngioVis Patient Persistency Object Relation Mapping for Large Relational Datasets of Binary Data
Bachelor Thesis
Test model for sorting Kurt Leimer
External Sorting of Point Clouds
Bachelor Thesis
Teaser Martina Rasch
HDR Image Acquisition for Augmented Reality
Bachelor Thesis
image Florian Schaukowitsch
Pano.NET - An interactive application for camera calibration, image stitching and projective operations
Bachelor Thesis
image Georg Sperl
Procedural Textures for Architectural Models
Bachelor Thesis
Michael Kaserer
DICOM Web Viewer
Bachelor Thesis
Matthias Adorjan
Advanced Shadow Algorithms - Filtered Hard Shadows
Bachelor Thesis
Simon Brenner
Neighbor detection in point clouds using the Boundary Complex
Bachelor Thesis
Image Klemens Jahrmann
Kinect Fusion - Reconstruction
Bachelor Thesis
image Stefanie Prast, Anna Frühstück
Caustics, Light Shafts, God Rays
Bachelor Thesis
Florian Spechtenhauser
Shape Interpolation Using Diffusion Isosurfaces
Bachelor Thesis
Christian Hafner
Image to Geometry Projection
Bachelor Thesis
image Christian Kößler
Feature-Adaptive Catmull-Clark Subdivision on the GPU
Bachelor Thesis
Barbara Schwankl
Splitting of Meshes in Image-Space
[Bachelor Thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Kevin Streicher
Interactive Scene Manipulation Techniques for Ray Tracing
Bachelor Thesis
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