
96 Projects found:
no funding
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
no funding
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. October 2012 - 30. September 2017 Data-Driven Procedural Modeling of Interiors
The project develops new procedural modeling methods for interior scenes.
FWF P24600-N23
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. September 2013 - 31. August 2017 Illustrative Visualization of Processes
EU 7th Framework Program
1. January 2012 - 31. December 2016 VISAR - VISual Analytics And Rendering
FWF P 24597-N23
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Harvest4D investigates the whole acquisition, modeling and rendering pipeline for incidental data capture.
EU 7th Framework Program 323567
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. October 2012 - 31. May 2016 Modern Functional Analysis in Computer Graphics
The projects develops new mathematical foundations for global-illumination algorithms.
FWF P23700-N23
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD

This project aims at analysing the traffic flow of open roads in real time by a sensor fusion of radar data with video feeds. Radar gives an accurate position and velocity of vehicles making computer vision methods more robust in computing their spatial extent and classification from video streams. In this way the huge amount of raw data is reduced to semantically relevant information, which is highly memory efficient, anonymous and sufficient to reconstruct traffic flow over long time periods. Another important goal is a sophisticated 3D visualization of the reconstructed traffic flow providing interactive tools for visual analysis. Information obtained in this way will significantly contribute in adopting measures to increase traffic safety.

FFG 835948 - FIT-IT
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. January 2011 - 31. December 2015 Photo-Guide: Image-Based City Exploration
The core idea of the project is the enhancement of current state-of-the art navigation systems by visual information obtained from geo-referenced photographs. The aim is to establish a suite of tools together with algorithmic foundations that will be essential for any large scale image-based guidance project.
FWF P23237-N23
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD

Natural hazards such as floods are likely to occur more often in the near future. Modern information technology can simplify the workflow of disaster management. However, none of the existing tools is tailored to the requirements of action planning. The major challenge lies in the sheer quantity of complex information the planner has to account for. The choice of the right action at the right time depends on a variety of factors and cannot be automated. Moreover, since the course of events cannot be exactly predicted, numerous, alternative scenarios have to be considered. This project is dedicated to research in the field of Visual Analytics for the development of a novel decision-support system with two major goals in mind: First, users will be able to create a large scenario pool without the need for engineering skills. Second, first responders will be empowered to exploit this scenario pool for decision making in time-critical situations.

WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds ICT12-009
Contact: Jürgen Waser
1. September 2009 - 31. December 2015 Advanced Volume Rendering
Advanced Volume Rendering
no funding
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
The knowledge assisted sparse interaction proposed above is a general paradigm, applicable to any area of visualization. However, within the framework of the current proposal we want to specialize predominantly on one of these possibilities, namely on the processing and diagnostics of the peripheral artery occlusive disease (PAOD) within the context of noninvasive CT angiography [1]. PAOD is a significant health problem in the industrialized world, with a prevalence of 8-12 million cases in the US alone [32]. The number of such cases is expected to increase as the population ages.
FWF TRP 67-N23
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. January 2010 - 31. December 2014 ViMaL: A Visualization Mapping Language
Visualization is the discipline dealing with the depiction of data. The assignment of visual abstractions to data abstractions is referred to as the visualization mapping.
Expressive visualization mappings proofed in many cases to be more effective than the examination of raw data (i.e., large tables of numbers). Although visualization mapping is a crucial step in the visualization pipeline surprisingly few general approaches exist.
We propose to develop the Visualization Mapping Language (ViMaL) that is capable of describing expressive visualization mappings and provides user interfaces suitable for non-experts in visualization.
ViMaL will be a language that is used to specify visualization pipelines. We will provide language concepts for the specification of data abstraction processes, visual concretization processes and the required visualization mapping. With this approach the semantics of a specific domain are modeled by the domain experts while the semantics of the visualization domain are modeled by the visualization expert. The visualization mapping is described using domain semantics as well as visualization semantics. Unlike other general purpose visualization systems, ViMaL systems explicitly use the semantics of the visualization mapping process. It incorporates information and knowledge assisted methods in the visualization mapping pipeline.
In the scope of this project we will define a novel Visualization Mapping Language and implement a toolbox that aids researchers from other areas to integrate the ViMaL concepts into their systems. The toolbox will provide basic ViMaL document setup and parsing as well as components for each step in the visualization pipeline. We will make use of fuzzy logic in our components for the abstraction of data, for the visual concretization, and for the visualization mapping.
We believe that the formalization of the visualization pipeline that is achieved with the visualization mapping language will enable many researchers from other domains to benefit from existing visualization methods. Further, the introduction of domain and visualization semantics for the specification of visualization mappings enables meta-visualization approaches that provide insight into the visualization process itself. Laypersons will benefit from such meta-visualization systems that are able to illustrate the involved components.
FWF P 21695-N23
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Die Vermessung der 3D-Geometrie und von inneren Grenzflächen (z.B. Materialübergänge, Porennester, Inhomogenitäten,¿) von industriellen Objekten wie z.B. Multimaterial und Verbund-werkstoffkomponenten ist integraler Bestandteil moderner Bauteilentwicklung und Qualitätssicherung. Üblicherweise wird die Geometrie taktil mittels Koordinatenmessgeräten an vordefinierten Punkten gemessen. In speziellen Fällen wird die taktile Messtechnik mittels optischer Scanner unterstützt. Allerdings können beide Messverfahren nicht innere Geometrien oder Materialübergänge erfassen. Um diese Nachteile zu eliminieren, wird in letzter Zeit immer häufiger Röntgen-Computertomografie (CT) verwendet. Hierbei wird meist 3DCT eingesetzt (=CT mit einer Kegelstrahl-Röntgenquelle und einem Matrixdetektor), die wegen der signifikant kürzeren Messzeiten und der damit verbundenen Kostenersparnis für die meisten Anwendungen attraktiver ist als konventionelle 2DCT (=CT mit einer Fächerstrahl-Quelle und einem Zeilendetektor)[CT08, PTB07, DIR07, DIR03, SS00]. CT ist eine zerstörungsfreie Methode, mit der Bauteile dreidimensional vermessen werden und versteckte Fehler (z.B. Lunker, Risse, Verunreinigungen, Poren, Materialfehler, Materialübergänge,...) in der Tiefe eines Werkstoffes detektiert werden können. Das Verfahren der CT ist seit vielen Jahren in der medizinischen Diagnostik etabliert und hat in jüngster Zeit sehr stark an Bedeutung in der Industrie gewonnen. Der Fokus dieses vorgeschlagenen Projekts liegt im Bereich der 3DCT für industrielle Anwendungen. Für alle weiteren Ausführungen wird CT in diesem Kontext betrachtet.
FFG 818108 (Bridge project)
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
The main goal of the proposed Dissertation Fellowship project AutARG (Automatic Algorithms for Result Generation in Visualization) is to speed up the analysis process of 3D/4D simulation data from different domains like engineering, meteorology, climatology, or medical applications. Since the number and size of simulations in these fields is increasing rapidly fewer and fewer time can be spent in the actual analysis process of the generated data. We therefore want to introduce novel approaches to semi-automatically generate visualization and analysis results based on user-defined templates, rules and semantic information gathered during previous interactive analysis sessions. This will greatly improve the efficiency of the post-processing phase necessary to document and present information gained from the simulation results. In the course of this project we plan to research efficient and user friendly methods for the analysis and presentation of simulation results, which will be implemented in the SimVis framework. SimVis is a state of the art interactive visual analysis tool for large and complex simulation data, which up to now, like many other state of the art systems, is relying mostly on time-consuming user interaction. The planned project will be structured into three larger phases of research and development. In the first phase automatic generation of visualization results based on manually specified features will be introduced. The second phase will deal with semi-automatic feature specification based on templates additionally to the automatic result generation. The third phase should extend the proposed methods to incorporate story telling functionality which can be used to present results to non-experts. The results of this project will not only include the PhD thesis of Philipp Muigg and a larger number of high-quality publications, but also newly developed software modules, which shall be capable of demonstrating the full potential of the newly developed methods also for real world datasets from various application fields.
FFG FIT-IT project no. 819352
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. June 2010 - 31. May 2013 Semantic Steering
Mission: "To support time-critical decision making using visual simulation control"
FWF P 22542-N23
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. February 2009 - 31. January 2013 Reciprocal Shading for Mixed Reality
The aim of this project is to simulate the mutual influence between real and virtual objects in mixed reality applications.
FFG 820916 - FIT-IT Visual Computing

Research on the Scalability and Confluence of Scientific Visualization and Interactive Segmentation (together with Markus Hadwiger, VRVis (main applicant))

WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds ICT08-40, 2009-201 2
Contact: Markus Hadwiger
1. July 2008 - 31. December 2012 Detailed Surfaces for Interactive Rendering
In this project we study new representation and rendering methods for surface detail in real time.
FWF P20768-N13
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Laser scanning is an important tool in cultural heritage for documenting the state of archaeological monuments. The data produced by laser scanning is ever increasing, with the latest generation of laser scanners generating a billion of points in one measurement pass. To colorize the laser scans, additional photographs are taken. Managing these huge amounts of data in terms of size is a challenge on its own, but also to ensure the quality of the resulting point-based models is of utmost importance for the further development of laser scanning as a standard technique in cultural heritage. We identified three topics that can drive forward the integration of laser scanning in the everyday work of archaeologists.
FFG 825842 - FIT-IT Visual Computing
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. September 2007 - 31. August 2012 GAMEWORLD - Procedural Worlds for Games
The aim of the GAMEWORLD project is to procedurally generate cities, villages and other game environments mainly to be used in tomorrow's video games.
FFG 813387 - FIT-IT Visual Computing
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Social gaming to collect vast amounts of data for satellite validation
FFG 2008999
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. May 2008 - 30. April 2011 General Purpose Visibility

Visibility culling is a fundamental problem of computer graphics, and is of crucial importance for many applications, like game development or architectural design. For example, interactively rendering a model containing hundreds of millions of polygons like the Boeing 777 model shown on the cover page is only possible when invisible parts of the model are "culled" away. Solving the visibility problem has been an important research topic for many years, and countless methods have been proposed. Amazingly, most approaches still have more or less serious issues that prevent their widespread use. Preprocessed visibility solutions attempt to solve the problem in an offline step, but are often slow, lack robustness, and are hard to implement. Online culling algorithms have a lot of potential since they can be used on arbitrary scenes, but they induce an overhead during rendering which is unacceptable for applications that strive for optimal performance. We believe that basic research problems remain unsolved until this day for preprocessed visibility as well as for online culling, and the goal of this project is to tackle and solve the majority of these problems. In order to do this, we have to gain more insight into the complex properties of visibility, which are still not entirely understood. Our proposed methods have applications in various fields, like game development, architectural design, urban visualization, or massive model visualization.

FWF P21130-N13
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
Die Röntgen-Computertomografie (CT) ist eine sehr gut etablierte Methode in der Medizin, die in den letzten Jahren immer mehr in der Materialforschung und Industrie zum Einsatz kommt. CT ist eine zerstörungsfreie Methode, um Bauteile 3-dimensional zu vermessen und um versteckte Fehler (Risse, Verunreinigungen, Poren,.) in der Tiefe eines Werkstoffes zu detektieren. Bei einem modernen 3D-CT System mit einem a-Si- Matrixdetektor (amorphes Silizium) wird die Qualität der Ergebnisse erheblich von den Messparametern (Röhrenstrom- und Energie, Filter, Position des Messobjektes,.) bestimmt. Diese Einflußgrößen äußern sich in Form von mehr oder weniger stark auftretenden Messartefakten, die das Ergebnis verfälschen können. Bis zu einem gewissen Grad können Artefakte durch Korrekturalgorithmen verringert werden. Diese Korrekturverfahren sind nach wie vor Gegenstand der aktuellen Forschung und sind für 3DCT- Systeme noch nicht in der Praxis brauchbar. Ziel dieses Projekts ist es, Grundlagen für eine vollständige Simulation eines industriellen 3DCTs zu erarbeiten, wenn Geometrie und Material des Messobjektes bekannt sind. Damit können schon vor der CT-Messung die optimalen Messparameter bestimmt und die Artefaktkorrektur durchgeführt werden. Die Projektergebnisse führen zu folgenden Vorteilen: - Besseres Verständnis über das industrielle 3D-CT-System und der Wechselwirkung der Strahlung mit den Einzelkomponenten (insbesondere Werkstück und Detektor) - Verbesserung der CT-Messergebnisse, Reduktion von Artefakten und Fehlmessungen - Ausweitung der Anwendungsfelder von 3D-CT, Erhöhung der Messgenauigkeit
FFG 812136-SCK/KUG (Bridge project)
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
The DiagVis (Diagnostic Visualization) project aims to facilitate and to improve medical diagnostics. The project focuses on radiological needs but also on related disciplines like surgical applications.
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. October 2006 - 31. December 2009 SCANOPY - Scan Data Organisation, Processing and Display

The aim of the Scanopy project is to provide efficient algorithms for working with 3D laser scan data. The first main challenge is to improve the quality of raw scan data via filtering, scan completion and repair, making use of image information and symmetries. The second challenge is to and second to develop efficient data structures and algorithm to allow displaying huge point-based models. The third challenge is to improve the appearance of the models via lighting and relighting.

FFG 812126
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. August 2005 - 31. December 2009 ExVisation: Expressive Visualization of Volumetric Data

To develop novel methods for automatically generating expressive visualizations of complex volumetric data.

FWF P 18322-N04
Contact: Ivan ViolaORCID iD
The COMRADE (MRI based Visualization and Analysis for Virtual Colonoscopy and Ortopaedics) project aims to explore the possibilities of MRI visualization techniques, e.g., for virtual colonoscopy and orthopaedics, due to similarity in their interests, and to develop a patient-friendly, effective screening tool.
Philips Medical Systems
Contact: Matej Mlejnek
Visual Computing is an emerging field of research, formed by the progressive fusion of traditionally separate scientific fields. Visual Computing deals with problems that are focused on processing or acquisition of graphical data. Most visual computing researchers work in the fields of computer graphics, digital image processing, pattern recognition, visualization and virtual reality. Since many new technologies and problems require expertise in several of these fields, research groups increasingly look for opportunities to improve their cooperation with neighboring fields. Austrian, as well as Russian research groups have ample experience in several of the fields that comprise visual computing, and have published high level results of their research. Following a successful seminar in Vienna last year, the Joint Seminar on Visual Computing in Fundamental, Academic and Applied Science and Research would give an opportunity for researchers of both countries to present their results to a larger audience of experts, to identify common problems and to participate in an open dialogue that may form the basis for future cooperative projects. The Seminar will mainly consist of presentations from all participants, dealing with topics from all areas of visual computing. Additionally, the seminar will include several keynote speakers, research facility tours and social events.
1. September 2006 - 30. September 2009 PVG: Point-based Volume Graphics

To implement and develop novel methods for reconstruction and visualisation of 3D Data in different grid structures

FWF P 18547-N04
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. October 2007 - 28. February 2009 DiagVis 2. year
no funding
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
Goal of this project is to provide to the Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP) an interactive visualization and exploration framework for neural networks of fruit fly brains, in the following called "NeuroViewer".
no funding
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. December 2005 - 31. December 2008 Cross-Modal
The CROSSMOD (Cross-Modal Perceptual Interaction and Rendering) project studies the effects that the visual and audio channels have on each other and exploits these releations to improve rendering speed
EU IST - 6th Framework Program
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
The main objective of this project is to research and develop tools to make abstract, digital archaeological and historical data perceivable for the public using mixed reality edutainment systems. Another goal is the development of a Harris Matrix editor to manage stratigraphic relations of an excavation site and use it to retrieve digital archaeological data.
WWTF Wiener Wissenschafts-, Forschungs- und Technologiefonds
Contact: Andreas Traxler

A considerable improvement in the area of volume visualisation and data aquisition was achieved during the last years. This project will take advantage of the high computational power of todays PC Workstations and highly sophisticated algorithms in order to improve diagnosis.

Contact: Armin Kanitsar
U-CREATE is initiated by Alterface, Imagination and ion2s, three SMEs which are primarily active in the field of edutainment, i.e. the joining of education and entertainment (customers are museums, cultural institutions, entertainment parks¿) They share a common and important problem: efficient content creation. Be it interactive setups, Mixed Reality experiences, location-based services, all these technologies are worthless without content: content is always to be tackled or delivered at the same time as technology. However, content creation is a long process that can turn to nightmare when implementing large-scale projects. The solution is two words: authoring tool. A powerful, graphical, beyond the state-of-the-art authoring tool is needed that allows one to create elaborated contents in a fast and easy way. No such tool exists to date due to the highly innovative products commercialized by the SMEs. Such a tool will be created by the project. The authoring tool will increase competitiveness, because it significantly shortens production time (50% reduction of integration time) and effort (creation process affordable to non-specialists) for content development. It will also enable other people to create contents for the intended systems: SMEs can then sell more software while subcontracting or licensing the content production. It will also strengthen the European position in an authoring market dominated by US companies. SMEs alone cannot afford such a task, in terms of expertise but also in terms of resources. This project gathers the highly-specialized expertise from ZGDV, TUW and DIST which allows for the delivery of a prototype authoring tool. HadroNet will be the end-user serving the consortium and helping it to gather a larger community of end-users, in order to assess requirements, validate results and construct the basis of a commercial distribution system. Doing so, the project will set the first basis of a longer-term collaboration amongst all partners.
EU IST - 6th Framework Program
1. November 2004 - 30. November 2007 TreeLumination
The aim of the project Treelumination is to enhance the realism and visual quality of applications that need to display trees and tree-like plants in a real-time setting.
FWF P17261-N04
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. October 2004 - 30. June 2007 GameTools
The GameTools Project (GTP) researches and implements next generation realtime 3D Libraries for Geometry/Plants, Visibility and Global Illumination under C++/DirectX9. Platforms: OGRE for PC and Shark3D middleware for PC & consoles.
EU IST - 6th Framework Program
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. February 2005 - 31. January 2007 Mobile Augmented Reality-Museumsführer

This project aims at the creation and real-world deployment of a handheld computer guide for museum visitors, based on Augmented Reality.

1. January 2005 - 31. December 2006 Skydome

The aim of the Skydome Project is the improvement of day skylight models.

Contact: Alexander Wilkie
1. April 2002 - 30. November 2005 RealReflect
The RealReflect project is an endeavour to increase the realism of Virtual Reality technology to levels where it can be used for meaningful qualitative reviews of virtual prototypes and scenes.
EU IST - 6th Framework Program
Contact: Georg Zotti
1. September 2001 - 30. September 2005 EU Virtual Showcases

Showcases belong to the standard equipment of museums and other exhibitions. they are used to disply artifacts to the public, to make them available to a larger audience, and to protect them against detrimental effects of the environment. With Virtual showcases we want to introduce a new medium that allows to present hybrid exhibits.

no funding
post-processing and visualization of large CTA datasets of the peripheral extremities
FWF P 15217
Contact: Eduard GröllerORCID iD
1. November 1999 - 31. October 2003 UrbanViz
This project aims at the creation and real-time display of large and medium-scale urban environments.
Contact: Michael WimmerORCID iD
1. January 1997 - 31. October 2001 Platform for Animation and Virtual Reality
no funding
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