
Publication list of Michael WimmerORCID iD:
250 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Overview Przemyslaw Musialski, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Daniel G. Aliaga, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Luc van Gool, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Urban Reconstruction
In EUROGRAPHICS 2012 State of the Art Reports, pages 1-28. May 2012.
[draft-hires] [draft-lowres]
Other Reviewed Publication
Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Auto Splats: Dynamic Point Cloud Visualization on the GPU
In Proceedings of Eurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization, pages 139-148. May 2012.
Conference Paper
Landspotting Steffen Fritz, Peter Purgathofer, F. Kayali, M. Fellner, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Tobias Sturn, Josef Schuh, G. Triebnig, S. Krause, F. Schindler, M. Kollegger, C. Perger, M. Dürauer, W. Haberl, L. See, Ian McCallum
Landspotting: Social gaming to collect vast amounts of data for satellite validation, 23. April 2012, 16:00, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Austria Center Vienna, Session ESSI2.9, room 7
Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Screen-Space Triangulation for High-Quality Rendering of Point Clouds
TR-186-2-12-01, April 2012 [tech-report]
Technical Report
Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Ari Silvennoinen, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Online Visibility for Shadow Maps
In GPU Pro 3: Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 233-242, February 2012
Article in a Book
Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Schwarz, Michal Valient, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Real-Time Shadows
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Courses, pages 18:1-18:53. 2012.
Other Reviewed Publication
Matthias Bernhard, Karl Grosse, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Bi-modal Task Faciliation in a Virtual Traffic Scenario through Spatialized Sound Rendering
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(4):1-22, November 2011.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Shows color adaption of virtual book and colorchart on the left Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Camera-Based Color Mapping For Mixed-Reality Applications
In Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2011), pages 165-168. October 2011.
[Preprint] [Video]
Conference Paper
Matthias Bernhard, Le Zhang, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Manipulating Attention in Computer Games
In Proceedings of the IEEE IVMSP Workshop on Perception and Visual Signal Analysis, pages 153-158. June 2011.
Conference Paper
Markus Lipp, Daniel Scherzer, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Modeling of City Layouts using Layers of Procedural Content
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EG 2011), 30(2):345-354, April 2011. [draft]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Selecting points Claus Scheiblauer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Out-of-Core Selection and Editing of Huge Point Clouds
Computers & Graphics, 35(2):342-351, April 2011. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Shows a participant performing the experiment Martin Knecht, Andreas Dünser, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Raphael Grasset
A Framework For Perceptual Studies In Photorealistic Augmented Reality
In Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE VR 2011 Workshop on Perceptual Illusions in Virtual Environments, pages 27-32. March 2011.
Conference Paper
shadows Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Ari Silvennoinen, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Shadow Caster Culling for Efficient Shadow Mapping
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2011, pages 81-88. February 2011.
Conference Paper
Ralf Habel, Anders Nilsson, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Level-of-Detail and Streaming Optimized Irradiance Normal Mapping
In GPU Pro 2, pages 143-158, February 2011
Article in a Book
Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Temporal Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion
In GPU Pro 2, pages 123-142, February 2011
Article in a Book
Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods
Computer Graphics Forum, 30(1):169-186, February 2011. [pdf]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Elmar Eisemann, Michael Schwarz, Ulf Assarsson, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Shadows. A.K. Peters, 2011.
Published Book
Daniel Scherzer, Lei Yang, Oliver Mattausch, Diego Nehab, Pedro V. Sander, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Elmar Eisemann
A Survey on Temporal Coherence Methods in Real-Time Rendering
In EUROGRAPHICS 2011 State of the Art Reports, pages 101-126. 2011.
Other Reviewed Publication
ssao Oliver Mattausch, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
High-Quality Screen-Space Ambient Occlusion using Temporal Coherence
Computer Graphics Forum, 29(8):2492-2503, December 2010.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Matthias Bernhard, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD
An Empirical Pipeline to Derive Gaze Prediction Heuristics for 3D Action Games
ACM Transactions on Applied Perception, 8(1):4:1-4:30, October 2010.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Martin Knecht, Christoph TraxlerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Differential Instant Radiosity for Mixed Reality
In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (ISMAR 2010), pages 99-107. October 2010.
Conference Paper
Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of Multiple L-Systems
Computers & Graphics, 34(5):585-593, October 2010. [preprint]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Martin Ilčík, Markus Lipp, Johannes Scharl, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Procedural Modeling of Urbanistic Scenes, 9. June 2010, Austrian-Russian Joint Seminar - Visual Computing in Fundamental, Academic and Applied Science and Research, Vienna, Austria
Florian Bagar, Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
A Layered Particle-Based Fluid Model for Real-Time Rendering of Water
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EGSR 2010), 29(4):1383-1389, June 2010. [draft]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Martin Ilčík, Stefan Fiedler, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Procedural Skeletons: Kinematic Extensions to CGA-Shape Grammars
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2010, pages 177-184. May 2010.
[draft] [presentation-odp] [presentation-pdf]
Conference Paper
Scene Ralf Habel, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Irradiance Normal Mapping
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2010, pages 189-195. February 2010.
Conference Paper
Reinhold PreinerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Global Illumination for Point Cloud Scenes
Computer Graphics & Geometry, 12(1):2-16, 2010.
Journal Paper (without talk)
Partitioning Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Werner PurgathoferORCID iD
A Survey of Real-Time Hard Shadow Mapping Methods
In EUROGRAPHICS 2010 State of the Art Reports. 2010.
Other Reviewed Publication
Daniel Scherzer, Michael Schwärzler, Oliver Mattausch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-Time Soft Shadows Using Temporal Coherence
In Advances in Visual Computing: 5th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2009), pages 13-24. December 2009.
Conference Paper
Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of L-Systems
In Vision, Modeling, and Visualization Workshop (VMV) 2009 , pages 205-214. November 2009.
Conference Paper
Claus Scheiblauer, Norbert Zimmermann, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Domitilla Catacomb Exploration
In 10th VAST International Symposium on Virtual Reality, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage (VAST09), pages 65-72. September 2009.
Conference Paper
Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Vlastimil Havran, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Adaptive Global Visibility Sampling
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 28(3):94:1-94:10, August 2009. [Preprint]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Parallel Generation of L-Systems
Poster shown at High-Performance Graphics 2009 ( 1. August 2009- 3. August 2009)
Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Oliver Mattausch, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Game-Engine-Friendly Occlusion Culling
In SHADERX7: Advanced Rendering Techniques, pages 637-653, March 2009
Article in a Book
Animated Tree Ralf Habel, Alexander Kusternig, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Physically Guided Animation of Trees
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS 2009), 28(2):523-532, March 2009. [draft]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
David Grelaud, Nicolas Bonneel, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Manuel Asselot, George Drettakis
Efficient and Practical Audio-Visual Rendering for Games using Crossmodal Perception
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games 2009, pages 177-182. February 2009.
Conference Paper
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 22. October 2009-23. October 2009, Verona, Italy
Invited Talk
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 2009, Erlangen, Germany
Invited Talk
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 23. April 2009-25. April 2009, Budmerice, Slovakia
Invited Talk
Elmar Eisemann, Ulf Assarsson, Michael Schwarz, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Casting Shadows in Real Time
In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Courses. 2009.
Other Reviewed Publication
Michael WimmerORCID iD
IT in Computerspielen: Ausbildung und Forschung, 5. November 2009, Techgate Vienna
Invited Talk
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Visibility Computation in Computer Graphics, 2. February 2009- 4. February 2009, Eibiswald, Austria
Invited Talk
Paul Guerrero, Stefan Jeschke, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Real-time Indirect Illumination and Soft Shadows in Dynamic Scenes Using Spherical Lights
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(8):2154-2168, October 2008. [paper]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Markus Lipp, Peter WonkaORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Interactive Visual Editing of Grammars for Procedural Architecture
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3):102:1-10, August 2008. [paper]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Veronica Sundstedt, Efstathios Stavrakis, Michael WimmerORCID iD, Erik Reinhard
A Psychophysical Study of Fixation Behavior in a Computer Game
In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception in Graphics and Visualization 2008, pages 43-50. August 2008.
Conference Paper
Martin Čadík, Michael WimmerORCID iD, László Neumann, Alessandro Artusi
Evaluation of HDR Tone Mapping Methods Using Essential Perceptual Attributes
Computers & Graphics, 32(3):330-349, June 2008. [Preprint]
Journal Paper (without talk)
Daniel Scherzer, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Frame Sequential Interpolation for Discrete Level-of-Detail Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings EGSR 2008), 27(4):1175-1181, June 2008. [draft]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Sunset Ralf Habel, Bogdan Mustata, Michael WimmerORCID iD
Efficient Spherical Harmonics Lighting with the Preetham Skylight Model
In Eurographics 2008 - Short Papers, pages 119-122. April 2008.
Conference Paper
color coded state changes induced by CHC++ Oliver Mattausch, Jirí BittnerORCID iD, Michael WimmerORCID iD
CHC++: Coherent Hierarchical Culling Revisited
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings Eurographics 2008), 27(2):221-230, April 2008. [draft]
Journal Paper with Conference Talk
Michael WimmerORCID iD
Advances in Real-Time Rendering, 15. September 2008, INRIA, Grenoble, France
Invited Talk
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