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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2001 |
Heinrich Hey, Werner Purgathofer
Importance Sampling with Hemispherical Particle Footprints
TR-186-2-01-05, January 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Real-Time Occlusion Culling With A Lazy Occlusion Grid
TR-186-2-01-02, January 2001 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
A. Brusi, Mateu Sbert, Philippe Bekaert, Werner Purgathofer
Optimal Ray Shooting in Monte Carlo Radiosity
Computers&Graphics, 26, 2001. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
J.-D. Gascuel, Werner Purgathofer , Christian Faisstnauer, Michael Gervautz
Construction of an Open Geometry Server for Client Server Virtual Environments
Proceedings of the IEEE VR 2001 conference, pp. 105-112, Yokohama, Japan, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Scheduling for Virtual Environments and Games Using Visibilities and Priorities
SCS Transactions, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 73-82, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Heinrich Hey
Occlusion Culling Methods
State of the Art Report at Eurographics'01, Manchester, U.K., Sept. 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler
Real-Time Occlusion Culling with a Lazy Occlusion Grid
In Rendering Techniques'01 (proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001, June 2001), Springer-Verlag, Wien, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Zsolt Szalavári, Michael Gervautz, L. Miguel Encarnação
Augmented Reality: The Interface is Everywhere
SIGGRAPH 2001 Course Notes #27, Los Angeles, USA, ACM Press, August 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Combined Rendering of Polarization and Fluorescence Effects
In Rendering Techniques'01 (proceedings of Eurographics Workshop on Rendering 2001), June 2001, Springer- Verlag, Wien, 2001
Miscellaneous Publication |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Orientation Lightmaps for Photon Radiosity in Complex Environments
The Visual Computer, 2001. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2000 |
Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina, Zsolt Szalavári, L. Miguel Encarnação, Michael Gervautz, Werner Purgathofer
The Studierstube Augmented Reality Project
TR-186-2-00-22, December 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Vlastimil Havran, Werner Purgathofer
Comparison Methodology for Ray Shooting Algorithms
TR-186-2-00-20, November 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Vlastimil Havran, Jan Prikryl, Werner Purgathofer
Statistical Comparison of Ray-Shooting Efficiency Schemes
TR-186-2-00-14, May 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Christian Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments and Networked Games Using Visibility and
TR-186-2-00-09, April 2000 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Priority Round-Robin Scheduling for Very Large Virtual Environments
Proceedings of IEEE VR'2000, pp. 135-142, NEw Brunswick, NJ, 2000 (honorable mention in best paper award selection)
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Priority Scheduling for Networked Virtual Environments
In IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, VOl. 20(6), pp. 66-75, November 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Christian Faisstnauer
Scheduling for very large Virtual Environments and Networked Games using Visibility and Priorities
In Proceedings of the DIS-RT 2000 conference, pp. 31-38, San Francisco, CA, 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann
Practical Calibration Procedures for Augmented Reality
In Environments'2000, pp. 3-12, Springer-Verlag, Wien, 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Jan Prikryl, Philippe Bekaert
Importance-Driven Hierarchical Stochastic Ray Radiosity
In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Interactive Digital Media'2000 (ed. V. Skala), vol.short comm. pp. 100-106, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic, February 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler
Hierarchical Stochastic Radiosity for Implicitly Defined Surfaces
In Machine Graphics & Vision, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp.561-571, 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
Raytracing of Dispersion Effects
In Proceedings of WSCG2000, Plzen, Czech Republic, February 2000
Miscellaneous Publication |
1999 |
Jan Prikryl, Werner Purgathofer
Overview of Perceptually-Driven Radiosity Methods
TR-186-2-99-26, December 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Jan Prikryl, Philippe Bekaert, Werner Purgathofer
Importance-Driven Hierarchical Stochastic Ray Radiosity
TR-186-2-99-22, October 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Christian Faisstnauer, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
Priority Round-Robin Scheduling for Very Large Virtual
TR-186-2-99-18, August 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Helmut Mastal, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Radiosity for Large Vegetation Scenes
TR-186-2-99-17, June 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Anton Fuhrmann, Dieter Schmalstieg, Werner Purgathofer
Fast Calibration for Augmented Reality
TR-186-2-99-16, May 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Gerd Hesina, Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Werner Purgathofer
Distributed Open Inventor: A Practical Approach to
Distributed 3D Graphics
TR-186-2-99-15, May 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Orientation Lightmaps for Photon Radiosity in Complex Environments
TR-186-2-99-11, April 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Heinrich Hey, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Lazy Occlusion Grid Culling
TR-186-2-99-12, March 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Jan Prikryl, Werner Purgathofer
Perceptually-Driven Termination for Stochastic
TR-186-2-99-01, January 1999 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann
Fast Calibration for Augmented Reality.
Proceedings of ACM Virtual Reality Software & Technology '99 (VRST'99), pp. 166-167, London, December 20-22, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Dieter Schmalstieg, Anton Fuhrmann, Gerd Hesina
Distributed Open Inventor: A Practical Approach to Distributed 3D Graphics.
Proceedings of ACM Virtual Reality Software & Technology '99 (VRST'99), pp. 74-81, London, <br>December 20-22, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Helmut Mastal
Radiosity Calculations for Rotational Surfaces.
Proceedings of WSCG´99, pp. 186-193, Univ.of Plzen, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Robert F. Tobler, Helmut Mastal
Radiosity for large Vegetation Scenes.
State of the Art Report, Eurographics´99, Milano, Italy, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Jan Prikryl
Perceptually Driven Termination for Stochastic Radiosity.
Proceedings of WSCG´99, pp. 418-425, Univ.of Plzen, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Eduard Gröller , Werner Purgathofer
Graphische Datenverarbeitung.
IPeter Rechenberg, Gustav Pomberger, Handbuch der Informatik. Carl Hanser Verlag, second edition, pp. 807-854, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , László Szirmay-Kalos
Analysis of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration of the Rendering Equation.
Proceedings of WSCG´99, pp. 281-288, Univ.of Plzen, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , László Szirmay-Kalos, Balázs Csébfalvi
Importance Driven Quasi-Random Walk Solution of the Rendering Equation.
Computers&Graphics, No.23(2), <br>Pergamon Press, New York, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
P. Dornbach, Werner Purgathofer , László Szirmay-Kalos
On the Start-up Bias Problem of Metropolis Sampling.
Proceedings of WSCG´99, pp. 273-280, Univ.of Plzen,1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
T. Fóris, Werner Purgathofer , László Szirmay-Kalos
Quasi-Monte Carlo Global Light Tracing with Infinite Number of Rays.
Computers&Graphics, No.23(2), <br>Pergamon Press, New York, 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
Werner Purgathofer , Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler
A Spectral Extension to the Tagged Image File Format.
Short Communications of The Seventh International Conference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualisation and Digital Interactive Media '99, University of West Bohemia, Pilsen, Czech Republic, February 1999.
Miscellaneous Publication |
1998 |
Helmut Mastal, Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
Radiosity--Calculations for Rotational Surfaces
TR-186-2-98-27, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Alexander Wilkie , Robert F. Tobler, Werner Purgathofer
A Spectral Extension to the Tag Image File Format
TR-186-2-98-28, October 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
László Szirmay-Kalos, Werner Purgathofer
Analysis of the Quasi-Monte Carlo Integration of the Rendering Equation
TR-186-2-98-24, August 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Robert F. Tobler, László Neumann, Mateu Sbert, Werner Purgathofer
A new Form Factor Analogy and its Application to
Stochastic Global Illumination Algorithms
TR-186-2-98-33, June 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Manfred Kopp, Werner Purgathofer
Interleaved Dimension Decomposition
TR-186-2-98-03, January 1998 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Werner Purgathofer , Manfred Kopp
Interleaved Dimension Decomposition - A new Decomposition Method for Wavelets and its Application to Computer Graphics
In proceedings of WSCG98, Plzen, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
T. Leiss, Werner Purgathofer , Peter Ferschin
Radiosity with Textures, Specular Reflexion and Transmission
In proceedings of SCCG 98, Budmerice, April 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Kresimir Matkovic
Automatic Exposure in Computer Graphics based on the Minimum Information Loss Principle
In proceedings of CGI98, Hannover, Germany, 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |
László Neumann, Werner Purgathofer , Attila Neumann, Kresimir Matkovic
Incident Light Metering in Computer Graphics
In Computer Graphics Forum 17(4), pp. 235-247, Blackwell, Oxford, December 1998.
Miscellaneous Publication |