
668 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Daniel Gehrer
CellUnity an Interactive Tool for Illustrative Visualization of Molecular Reactions
[Bakk Thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Zaufl
Unity OPC Importer and Renderer
Bachelor Thesis
Bernhard Steiner
Structure-aware shape manipulation
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Edith Langer
Image Retrieval on Co-registered Confocal Microscopy Image Collections
[image] [master thesis]
Master Thesis
Thomas Trautner
Visualizing Archaeological Excavations based on Unity3D
Bachelor Thesis
Christian Möllinger
Interactive Data Editing of Time-Dependent Data in Visual Analysis
[master thesis]
Master Thesis
Leonard Weydemann
Implementation of a PIC simulation using WebGL
Bachelor Thesis
Mirza Filipovic
Noise Reduction in Medical DECT Data
Bachelor Thesis
Felix Kreuzer
Depixelizing Pixel Art on GPUs
Bachelor Thesis
Annotations in a point cloud Markus Tragust
Integrating Annotations into a Point-based Rendering System
Master Thesis
Michael Beham
CloudyDay: Rendering of clouds, atmosphere and light shafts in HDR for testing Computer Vision Algorithms
Student Project
Matthias Labschütz
Image Based Global Illumination
Student Project
image Kurt Leimer
A Framework for Shape Co-Analysis
Student Project
image Sebastian Sippl
Framework for Shape Segmentation
Student Project
evenly-spaced streamlines Shu Zhu
Flow Visualization with Stream Surfaces
Student Project
Chris Bösch
The Chaser: Chrome Extension for History Visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Lukas Köll
Visualization in the Cloud
Bachelor Thesis
Silvana Podaras
Automated Lighting Design For Photorealistic Rendering
Bachelor Thesis
August Kampfer, Matthias Schötta
Tweebo - Ein Geo-Basierter Twitter-Client
Bachelor Thesis
Florian Mistelbauer
Master Thesis
Juergen Giefing
Physics-based Music Visualization
[image] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Andreas Schmid
Physics-based Music Visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Alex Hauer
Physics-based Music Visualization
[image] [thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Dominik Köhle
Spatiotemporal genealogy visualization
Bachelor Thesis
Marko Mlinaric
Direct Volume Rendering for Polygon Models Embedded into Volumetric CT Data
Bachelor Thesis
Onur Dogangönül
Shading Framework for Modern Rendering Engines
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Manuel Andre, Georg Ursits
AngioVis Patient Persistency Object Relation Mapping for Large Relational Datasets of Binary Data
Bachelor Thesis
Test model for sorting Kurt Leimer
External Sorting of Point Clouds
Bachelor Thesis
Teaser Martina Rasch
HDR Image Acquisition for Augmented Reality
Bachelor Thesis
image Florian Schaukowitsch
Pano.NET - An interactive application for camera calibration, image stitching and projective operations
Bachelor Thesis
image Georg Sperl
Procedural Textures for Architectural Models
Bachelor Thesis
Heinrich Fink
GPU-based Video Processing in the Context of TV Broadcasting
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Ivan Maricic
Visual Feature Exploration for ssTEM Image Segmentation
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Michael Kaserer
DICOM Web Viewer
Bachelor Thesis
Simon Parzer
Irrational Image Generator
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Matthias Adorjan
Advanced Shadow Algorithms - Filtered Hard Shadows
Bachelor Thesis
Aaron Meier-Stauffer
Realistic Local Lighting in Dynamic Height Fields
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Johannes Novotny
Application of Smart Visibility on Medical 3D Ultrasound Datasets
[Paper] [Poster]
Master Thesis
Markus Ernst
Comparison of Image Blurring Techniques on Modern Graphics Processing Hardware
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Günther Voglsam
Real-time Ray Tracing on the GPU - Ray Tracing using CUDA and kD-Trees
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Dietmar Pangerl
Games with a Purpose: Design and implementation of serious games to determine the global land cover
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Simon Brenner
Neighbor detection in point clouds using the Boundary Complex
Bachelor Thesis
Image Klemens Jahrmann
Kinect Fusion - Reconstruction
Bachelor Thesis
image Stefanie Prast, Anna Frühstück
Caustics, Light Shafts, God Rays
Bachelor Thesis
Florian Spechtenhauser
Shape Interpolation Using Diffusion Isosurfaces
Bachelor Thesis
Johannes Sorger
neuroMap - Interactive Graph-Visualization of the Fruit Fly’s Neural Circuit
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Christian Hafner
Image to Geometry Projection
Bachelor Thesis
image Christian Kößler
Feature-Adaptive Catmull-Clark Subdivision on the GPU
Bachelor Thesis
Barbara Schwankl
Splitting of Meshes in Image-Space
[Bachelor Thesis]
Bachelor Thesis
Kevin Streicher
Interactive Scene Manipulation Techniques for Ray Tracing
Bachelor Thesis
|◀ Results 351 - 400 of 668 ▶|
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