
668 Publications found:
Image Bib Reference Publication Type
Attila Szabo
Rasterized Curved Reflections in Screen Space
Bachelor Thesis
Benjamin Beer
Visualisierung von Eishockeystatistiken auf mobilen Endgeräten
Master Thesis
Clemens Arbesser
Large-Scale Noise Simulation and Visualization of Moving Point Sources
Master Thesis
Screenshot Christoph Winklhofer
Reflections, Refractions and Caustics in a Mixed-Reality Environment
Master Thesis
Image Stephan Zapotocky
Image-Based Modeling with Polyhedral Primitives
[image] [thesis]
Master Thesis
collage Victor Charpenay
Adaptive Garbor Noise Sampling
Student Project
Teaser Florian Laager
Camera Artifacts in Mixed Reality
Student Project
Bernhard Steiner
Voxel Cone Tracing
Student Project
Ulrike Zauner
Smartvis with Kinect Support
Student Project
Michael Woerister
A caching system for a dependency-aware scene graph
Master Thesis
Adam Celarek
Merging Ray Tracing and Rasterization in Mixed Reality
Bachelor Thesis
Florian Felberbauer
Games with Purpose - Improving 3D Model and Land Cover Data using Crowdsourcing
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Thomas Mühlbacher
Real-Time Rendering of Measured Materials
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Lukas Rössler
Rendering Interactive Maps on Mobile Devices Using Graphics Hardware
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Luca Maestri
SPEX: Visualisieren von 3D-Brillenmodellen im Browser mittels WebGL
Bachelor Thesis
Stefan Spelitz
Color Distribution Transfer For Mixed-Reality Applications
Bachelor Thesis
The block design of our study. Michael Hecher
A Comparative Perceptual Study of Soft Shadow Algorithms
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Stephan Pajer
Visualization Of Multivariate Networks
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Florian Stabel
User-driven Manipulation of Geospatial Data
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Andrei Borza
Stellarium - Effects
Bachelor Thesis
Michael Birsak
Coloring Meshes of Archaeological Datasets
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Daniel Fischl
Parallelized Segmentation of CT-Angiography Datasets Using CUDA
Bachelor Thesis
Camillo Dellmour
Determining the comfort range of customer stereoscopic displays
Student Project
Manpreet Kainth
Rendering of Urban Scenes
Student Project
Markus Tragust
Graph Models for Guided Point Cloud Navigation
Student Project
Stefan Trumpf
Labeling and Leveling of Meshes
Student Project
Thomas Weber
Student Project
Roman Gurbat
Sketch-Based Steering in Visdom
Master Thesis
Christian Basch
Animated Transitions Across Multiple Dimensions for Volumetric Data
Master Thesis
Fritz-Michael Gschwantner
Advanced Measurement and Quantification of Industrial CT Data
Master Thesis
Georg Tanzmeister
Interactive 3D Reconstruction and BRDF Estimation for Mixed Reality Environments
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Martin Stingl
Robust Hard Shadows
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Tobias Fechter
Deformation Based Manual Segmentation in Three and Four Dimensions
Master Thesis
Christian Niederreiter
Spectral Mipmapping
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Bernhard Steiner
Post Processing Effects
Bachelor Thesis
Andreas Grünauer
Coronary Artery Tracking with Rule-based Gap Closing
Master Thesis
Marcel Nürnberg
Cell-Based Object Representation
[Poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Johanna SchmidtORCID iD
Interactive Variability Analysis for Initial Sample Testing of Industrial CT Data
Master Thesis
Axel Goldmann
Towards GPU Speech Coding
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Martin Kinkelin
Variational Reconstruction and GPU Ray-Casting of Non-Uniform Point Sets using B-Spline Pyramids
Master Thesis
Image Le Zhang
Improving the Visibility of In-Game Advertisements
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Norbert Ketterl
Weighted Mesh Simplification of 3D Triangular Surfaces
[Poster] [Thesis]
Master Thesis
Normals estimated in the Domitilla Catacomb model with approximately 2 billion points. Stefan Marek
Normal Estimation of Very Large Point Clouds
[poster] [thesis]
Master Thesis
Thomas Kment
Spectral data representation techniques for realistic image synthesis
Master Thesis
Screenshot of the application Benedikt Stehno
Rapid Visualization Development based on Visual Programming
Master Thesis
Benjamin Beer
Darstellung von Eishockeystatistiken mit parallelen Koordinatensystemen
Student Project
Maximilian Csuk
CUDA-based Reconstruction and Visualization of Non-uniform Point Sets
Student Project
Manuel Hochmayr
Volume Rendering on Mobile Devices
Student Project
Image Denis Ishmukhametov
Efficient Irradiance Normal Mapping
[Image] [Implementation] [Paper]
Student Project
Manuel Keglevic, Thomas Schulz
NoNoise: Music Library Visualization Plugin
Student Project
|◀ Results 401 - 450 of 668 ▶|
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