Visualization of tubular structures such as blood vessels is an important topic in medical imaging. One way to display tubular structures for diagnostic purposes is to generate longitudinal cross-sections in order to show their lumen, wall, and surrounding tissue in a curved plane. This process is called Curved Planar Reformation (CPR). We present three different methods to generate CPR images. A tube-phantom was scanned with Computed Tomography (CT) to illustrate the properties of the different CPR methods. Furthermore we introduce enhancements to these methods: thick-CPR, rotating-CPR and multi-path-CPR.Keywords: computed tomography angiography, vessel analysis, curved planar reformation
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Armin Kanitsar, Dominik Fleischmann, Rainer Wegenkittl, Petr Felkel, Meister Eduard Gröller, "CPR - Curved Planar Reformation", in Proceedings of IEEE Visualization 2002, AKanitsar_CPR.pdf (2.104KB).Figures in the paper
Additional Material
Some presentations held on this topic:
Talk presented at IEEE Visualization 2002 (Boston, MA)
Talk comprising technical aspects of the presented methods. presentation slides (ppt) (~7.984KB) slides and movies (.zip) (~157.381KB) |
General overview slides for the Multi-Path CPR method
Talk comprising medical aspects of the presented methods. presentation slides (ppt) (~4.092KB) slides and movies (.zip) (~10.803KB) |
A short collection of animations related to this work:
Animation 1:
Iso-surface extraction of the 'Tubes Phantom' at -224 HU (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.227KB) high resolution (~15.424KB) |
Animation 2:
A projected CPR of a realworld dataset (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.227KB) high resolution (~17.155KB) |
Animation 3:
A multiple projected CPR of a realworld dataset (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.227KB) high resolution (~20.803KB) |
Animation 4:
A stretched CPR of a realworld dataset (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.227KB) high resolution (~20.894KB) |
Animation 5:
A multiple stretched CPR of a realworld dataset (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.127KB) high resolution (~20.894KB) |
Animation 6:
A straightened CPR of a realworld dataset (.avi) low resolution (mpg) (~5.227KB) high resolution (~17.155KB) |
BibTeX Entry
@INPROCEEDINGS{ak02cpr, author = {Armin Kanitsar and Dominik Fleischmann and Rainer Wegenkittl and Petr Felkel and Meister Eduard Gr\"oller}, title = {{CPR} - {C}urved {P}lanar {R}eformation}, booktitle = {{IEEE} {V}isualization 2002}, year = {2002}, month = oct, pages = {37--44}, keywords = {computed tomography angiography, vessel analysis, curved planar reformation}, institution = {Institute of Computer Graphics and Algorithms, Vienna University of Technology}, url = {http://www.cg.tuwien.ac.at/research/vis/adapt/}, note = {human contact: {kanitsar@cg.tuwien.ac.at}}, }