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Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2024 |
Paolo Boffi , Alexandre Kouyoumdjian, Manuela Waldner , Pier Luca Lanzi , Ivan Viola
BaggingHook: Selecting Moving Targets by Pruning Distractors Away for Intention-Prediction Heuristics in Dense 3D Environments
In 2024 IEEE Conference Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), pages 913-923. 2024.
Conference Paper |
2021 |
Ruwayda Alharbi, Ondrej Strnad, Laura R. Luidolt , Manuela Waldner , David Kouřil, Ciril Bohak, Tobias Klein, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Nanotilus: Generator of Immersive Guided-Tours in Crowded 3D Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics:1-16, December 2021. [ Image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
David Kouřil, Ondrej Strnad, Peter Mindek, Sarkis Halladjian, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Molecumentary: Adaptable Narrated Documentaries Using Molecular Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1:1-1, November 2021. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Quiong Zeng, Yinqiao Zhao, Teng Zhang, Yi Ciao, Changhe TU, Ivan Viola , Yunhai Wang
Data-Driven Colormap Adjustment for Exploring Spatial Variations in Scalar Fields
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 9:1-15, September 2021. [ Image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Sarkis Halladjian, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Tobias Isenberg
Multiscale Unfolding: Illustratively Visualizing the Whole Genome at a Glance
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Aleksandr Amirkhanov, Nicolas Grossmann, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Haichao Miao, Laura R. Luidolt , Peter Mindek, Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Manuela Waldner , Eduard Gröller
Visualization working group at TU Wien: Visibile Facimus Quod Ceteri Non Possunt
Visual Informatics, 5:76-84, March 2021. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2020 |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
Multi-level Area Balancing of Clustered Graphs
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG), x:1-15, November 2020. [ paper] [ video] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Sebastian Mazza, Daniel Patel, Ivan Viola
Homomorphic-Encrypted Volume Rendering
IEEE Transactions on Visualization andComputer Graphics, 27:1-10, October 2020. [ image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Yasaman Ahmadi, Armanda J Wilson, Morgan Beeby, Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
Adenita: interactive 3D modelling and visualization of DNA nanostructures
Nucleic Acids Research, July 2020. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
David Kouřil, Tobias Isenberg, Barbora Kozlikova, Miriah Meyer, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
HyperLabels: Browsing of Dense and Hierarchical Molecular 3D Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 1:1-12, February 2020. [ image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Sarkis Halladjian, Haichao Miao, David Kouřil, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Tobias Isenberg
ScaleTrotter: Illustrative Visual Travels Across Negative Scales
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1), January 2020. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Ngan Nguyen, Ondrej Strnad, Tobias Klein, Ruwayda Alharbi, Peter Wonka , Martina Maritan, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Ivan Viola
Modeling in the Time of COVID-19: Statistical and Rule-based Mesoscale Models
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2020. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2019 |
Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ludovic Autin, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Parallel Generation and Visualization of Bacterial Genome Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(7):57-68, November 2019. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
Graph Models for Biological Pathway Visualization: State of the Art and Future Challenges,
20. October 2019, Vis 2019 Workshop, Canada
[ paper] |
WorkshopTalk |
Guangping Li, Soeren Nickel, Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola , Hsiang-Yun Wu
World map of recipes
[ poster] |
Unknown Publication |
Maximilian Sbardellati, Haichao Miao, Hsiang-Yun Wu , Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
Interactive Exploded Views for Molecular Structures
In Proceedings of the 9th Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, pages 103-112. September 2019.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
Map of Metabolic Harmony
[ image-full] |
Unknown Publication |
Eric Mörth , Renata Raidou , Ivan Viola , Noeska Natasja Smit
The Vitruvian Baby: Interactive Reformation of Fetal Ultrasound Data to a T-Position
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine (2019), 9:201-205, September 2019. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Tobias Klein, Ivan Viola , Eduard Gröller , Peter Mindek
Multi-Scale Procedural Animations of Microtubule Dynamics Based on Measured Data
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 26(1):622-632, August 2019. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
Interactive Visual Analysis for the Design of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at NANTECH 2019 – Nucleic Acid Nanotechnology: From Algorithmic Design to Biochemical Applications – Espoo, Finland
(27. May 2019-29. May 2019)
Poster |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Filipa L. Sousa, Ivan Viola
Metabopolis: Scalable Network Layout for Biological Pathway Diagrams in Urban Map Style
BMC Bioinformatics, 20(187):1-20, May 2019. [ paper] [video] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Haichao Miao, Ivan Viola
From Cells to Atoms - Biological Information Visualization (in Chinese)
TR-193-02-2019-1, March 2019 [ paper] |
Technical Report |
Nicholas Waldin, Manuela Waldner , Mathieu Le Muzic, Eduard Gröller , David Goodsell, Ludovic Autin, Arthur Olson, Ivan Viola
Cuttlefish: Color Mapping for Dynamic Multi‐Scale Visualizations
Computer Graphics Forum, 38(6):150-164, March 2019. [Open Access Article in Wiley Online Library] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
David Kouřil, Ladislav Čmolík, Barbora Kozlikova, Hsiang-Yun Wu , Graham Johnson, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Labels on Levels: Labeling of Multi-Scale Multi-Instance and Crowded 3D Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 25:977-986, January 2019. [ LoL-conference-presentation] [ paper] [Conference Talk Recording] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Haichao Miao, Tobias Klein, David Kouřil, Peter Mindek, Karsten Schatz, Eduard Gröller , Barbora Kozlikova, Tobias Isenberg, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Journal of Molecular Biology, 6(31):1049-1070, January 2019. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Tobias Klein, Ivan Viola , Peter Mindek
A Multi-Scale Animation Framework for Biological Fibrous Structures
Poster shown at EuroVis 2019
Poster |
2018 |
Artem Konev, Manuel Matusich, Ivan Viola , Hendrik Schulze, Daniel Cornel, Jürgen Waser
Fast cutaway visualization of sub-terrain tubular networks
Computers & Graphics, 75(5):25-35, October 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Thomas Bernhard Koch, David Kouřil, Tobias Klein, Peter Mindek, Ivan Viola
Semantic Screen-Space Occlusion for Multiscale Molecular Visualization
Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine, September 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Elisa De Llano, Haichao Miao, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Ivan Barisic
A Preview to Adenita: Visualization and Modeling of DNA Nanostructures
Poster shown at 3rd Functional DNA Nanotechnology Workshop
( 6. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
Poster |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
DimSUM: Dimension and Scale Unifying Maps for Visual Abstraction of DNA Origami Structures
Computer Graphics Forum, 37(3), June 2018. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
A Visual Comparison of Hand-Drawn and Machine-Generated Human Metabolic Pathways
Poster shown at EuroVis
( 4. June 2018- 8. June 2018)
[ poster] |
Poster |
Katarína Furmanová, Jan Byska, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Jan J. Paleček, Barbora Kozlikova
COZOID: contact zone identifier for visual analysis of protein-protein interactions
BMC Bioinformatics, (19:125 ):1-25, April 2018. [ image] [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Hsiang-Yun Wu , Martin Nöllenburg, Ivan Viola
The Travel of a Metabolite
submitted to PacificVis 2018 Data Story Telling Contest
[ paper] [ video] |
Miscellaneous Publication |
Patrik Polatsek, Manuela Waldner , Ivan Viola , Peter Kapec, Wanda Benesova
Exploring visual attention and saliency modeling for task-based visual analysis
Computers & Graphics, (2), February 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Haichao Miao, Elisa De Llano, Johannes Sorger, Yasaman Ahmadi, Tadija Kekic, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Barisic, Ivan Viola
Multiscale Visualization and Scale-adaptive Modification of DNA Nanostructures
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), January 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Tobias Klein, Ludovic Autin, Barbora Kozlikova, David Goodsell, Arthur Olson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Instant Construction and Visualization of Crowded Biological Environments
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2018. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Kai Lawonn, Ivan Viola , Bernhard Preim, Tobias Isenberg
A Survey of Surface-Based Illustrative Rendering for Visualization
Computer Graphics Forum, (NN), 2018. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2017 |
Mateu Sbert, Han-Wei Shen, Ivan Viola , Min Chen, Anton Bardera, Miquel Feixas
Information Theory In Visualization,
30. November 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
[ course notes] |
Invited Talk |
Ivan Viola , Tobias Isenberg
Pondering the Concept of Abstraction in (Illustrative) Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, (99), September 2017. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Jan Byska, Mathieu Le Muzic, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola , Barbora Kozlikova
AnimoAminoMiner: Exploration of Protein Tunnels and their Properties in Molecular Dynamics
Poster shown at BioVis@ISMB 2017
(24. July 2017)
Poster |
Daniel Gehrer, Ivan Viola
Visualization of molecular machinery using agent-based animation
In Proceedings of SCCG 2017. May 2017.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
David Kouřil, Mathieu Le Muzic, Barbora Kozlikova, Ivan Viola
Maya2cellVIEW: Integrated Tool for Creating Large and Complex Molecular Scenes
Poster shown at Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017
(May 2017)
Poster |
Ivan Viola , Martin Seyfert
Dynamic word clouds
In Proceedings of SCCG 2017. May 2017.
[ image] [ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller , Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
Metamorphers: Storytelling Templates For Illustrative Animated Transitions in Molecular Visualization
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017, pages 27-36. May 2017.
[ paper] [ teaser] [ video] |
Conference Paper |
Nicholas Waldin, Manuela Waldner , Ivan Viola
Flicker Observer Effect: Guiding Attention Through High Frequency Flicker in Images
Computer Graphics Forum, 36(2):467-476, May 2017. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Mindek, Johannes Sorger, David Kouřil, Tobias Klein, Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
The Birth of a Virtual Cell
submitted to the Pacific Vis 2017 Storytelling Contest
Miscellaneous Publication |
Ivan Kolesár, Stefan Bruckner , Ivan Viola , Helwig Hauser
A Fractional Cartesian Composition Model for Semi-Spatial ComparativeVisualization Design
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 23(1), January 2017. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Mindek, David Kouřil, Johannes Sorger, David Toloudis, Blair Lyons, Graham Johnson, Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Visualization Multi-Pipeline for Communicating Biology
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 24(1), 2017. [ Paper] [ Preview Movie] [ Slides] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Viktor Vad, Jan Byska, Adam Jurcik, Ivan Viola , Eduard Gröller , Helwig Hauser , Sergio M. Margues, Jiri Damborsky, Barbora Kozlikova
Watergate: Visual Exploration of Water Trajectories in Protein Dynamics
In Eurographics Workshop on Visual Computing for Biology and Medicine 2017, pages 33-42. 2017.
Conference Paper |
2016 |
Barbora Kozlikova, Michael Krone, Martin Falk, Norbert Lindow, Daniel Baum, Ivan Viola , Marc Baaden, Julius Parulek, Hans-Christian Hege
Visualization of Biomolecular Structures: State of the Art Revisited
Computer Graphics Forum, (XX), November 2016. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |