Image |
Bib Reference |
Publication Type |
2017 |
Johannes Sorger, Peter Mindek, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller , Graham Johnson, Ivan Viola
Metamorphers: Storytelling Templates For Illustrative Animated Transitions in Molecular Visualization
In Proceedings of the Spring Conference on Computer Graphics 2017, pages 27-36. May 2017.
[ paper] [ teaser] [ video] |
Conference Paper |
2016 |
Tobias Klein, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller , Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek
Towards Interactive Visual Exploration of Parallel Programs using a Domain-Specific Language
Poster shown at 4th International Workshop on OpenCL (IWOCL '16)
Poster |
Matthias Labschütz, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller , Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek
JiTTree: A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):1025-1034, January 2016. |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
Nicholas Waldin, Matthias Bernhard, Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola
Individualization of 2D Color Maps for People with Color Vision Deficiencies
In Proceedings of the 32Nd Spring Conference on Computer Graphics. 2016.
[ ] |
Conference Paper |
2015 |
Matthias Labschütz, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller , Markus Hadwiger, Peter Rautek
JiTTree: A Just-in-Time Compiled Sparse GPU Volume Data Structure
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 22(1):1025-1034, October 2015. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Viktor Vad, Balázs Csébfalvi, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller
Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation of Experiments on the Marschner-Lobb Test Signal,
25. May 2015, EuroVis Workshop on Reproducibility, Verification, and Validation in Visualization (EuroRV3), Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
WorkshopTalk |
2014 |
Viktor Vad, Balázs Csébfalvi, Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller
Towards an Unbiased Comparison of CC, BCC, and FCC Lattices in Terms of Prealiasing
Computer Graphics Forum, 33(3):81-90, June 2014. |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller , Markus Hadwiger
ViSlang: A System for Interpreted Domain-Specific Languages for Scientific Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 20(12):2388-2396, 2014. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2013 |
Peter Mindek, Stefan Bruckner , Peter Rautek, Eduard Gröller
Visual Parameter Exploration in GPU Shader Space
Journal of WSCG, 21(3):225-234, 2013. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
2012 |
Moritz Gerl, Peter Rautek, Tobias Isenberg, Eduard Gröller
Semantics by Analogy for Illustrative Volume Visualization
Computers & Graphics, 36(3):201-213, May 2012. [ Paper] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2011 |
Gábor Sörös, Peter Rautek, Hartmut Seichter, Eduard Gröller
Augmented Visualization with Natural Feature Tracking
In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia (MUM 2011) , pages 4-12. December 2011.
[ Paper] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Sikachev, Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
Dynamic Focus + Context for Volume Rendering,
9. June 2011, Austrian-Russian Joint Seminar, VRVis, Vienna, Austria
[ presentation] |
WorkshopTalk |
2010 |
Peter Rautek
Continuous Integration,
10. November 2010, Software Engineering Seminar, Vienna
WorkshopTalk |
Peter Sikachev, Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
Dynamic Focus+Context for Volume Rendering
In Proceedings of Vision, Modeling and Visualization 2010, pages 331-338. November 2010.
[ Preprint] |
Conference Paper |
Stefan Bruckner , Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola , Mike Roberts, Mario Costa Sousa, Eduard Gröller
Hybrid Visibility Compositing and Masking for Illustrative Rendering
Computers & Graphics, (34):361-369, 2010. [ Preprint] |
Journal Paper (without talk) |
2009 |
Peter Rautek
Semantic Visualization Mapping for Volume Illustration
Supervisor: Eduard Gröller
Duration: November 2005 — January 2009
[ image] [ paper] |
PhD-Thesis |
2008 |
Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
Interaction-Dependent Semantics for Illustrative Volume Rendering
Computer Graphics Forum, 27(3):847-854, May 2008. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller , Ivan Viola
Illustrative Visualization – New Technology or Useless Tautology?
online journal, without talk
Miscellaneous Publication |
Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola
Visual Abstractions and Interaction Metaphors for Knowledge Assisted Volume Visualization
[ paper] |
Miscellaneous Publication |
Peter Rautek
X-Mas 2008
[ card] |
X-Mas Card |
2007 |
Peter Rautek, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
Semantic Layers for Illustrative Volume Rendering
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 13(6):1336-1343, October 2007. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Rautek, Alexander Reiterer, Eduard Gröller
Caricaturistic Visualization of Deformation Data Based on High Density Point Clouds
Poster shown at
( 9. July 2007-12. July 2007)
In 8th Conference on Optical 3-D Measurement Techniques, Zurich, Switzerland
Poster |
2006 |
Peter Rautek, Ivan Viola , Eduard Gröller
Caricaturistic Visualization
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(5):1085-1092, November 2006. [ paper] |
Journal Paper with Conference Talk |
Peter Rautek, Balázs Csébfalvi, Sören Grimm, Stefan Bruckner , Eduard Gröller
D²VR: High Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data
In Proceedings of Eurographics / IEEE VGTC Symposium on Visualization, pages 211-218. May 2006.
[ paper] |
Conference Paper |
Peter Rautek
Caricaturistic Visualization,
19. July 2006-21. July 2006, Rügen, Germany
[ Presentation] |
Invited Talk |
Peter Rautek
Vis T-Shirt 2006
Unknown Publication |
2005 |
Peter Rautek
D²VR High-Quality Volume Rendering of Projection-based Volumetric Data
[ PDF] |
Master Thesis |