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Optimization by hierachical spatial enumeration

Given a voxel dataset like in gif with tex2html_wrap_inline1540 .

  1. Data structure

    Voxels are treated as points and are the vertices of cells filling the space between voxels. Cells in this dataset are indexed by a a level number m = 0,...,M and a vektor tex2html_wrap_inline1544 . The value contained in a cell i ion level m is denoted tex2html_wrap_inline1552 . The size of cells on level m is defined to be tex2html_wrap_inline1556 times the spacing between voxels.
    The pyramid is constructed as follows:

  2. Optimized algorithm

    For each ray

    This opimization allows to advance very fast cross empty areas.

Lukas Mroz
Tue Feb 9 12:46:24 MET 1999