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Both halves of a stereoscopic stereoscopic pair of ray-traced volumetric images need not to be fully rendered. Exploiting the coherence between two views, the second half of the stereo pair can be generated in a fraction of the time of the first half.([])

A fast stereo rendering algorithm can be devided in three steps ([]):

  1. Select an appropriate viewpoint position (e.g. left-eye, right-eye or the middle-eye)
  2. Apply a chosen standard rendering scheme for the selected viewpoint
  3. Reproject the results or intermediate results of step 2 onto the right or left image or both according to certain coordinate transformations.

To measure the performance of a fast stereo rendering algorithm the three criterias are proposed:

  1. Minimum total time for generating the left- and the right-side image.
  2. High image quality
  3. Balanced image quality between the two images. (It is better to generate both images in medium quality than generating one of them in high accuracy and the other one in low accuracy.)

Lukas Mroz
Tue Feb 9 12:46:24 MET 1999