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Stereoscopic reprojection

There are two view points (centers of projection of the respective left-/right eye image), seperated by a distance e e. One of the view points is positioned at the origin and the other at the point tex2html_wrap_inline1638 .gif To accomplish that, the volumetric data is tranformed in the following way:

This is done by a rotation in the x-z-plane around the point tex2html_wrap_inline1648 .


The volumetric data has now the "view-transformed" coordinates tex2html_wrap_inline1650 .

Now the left-eye projection is simply a parallel projection based on the data position after the viewing transformation.
The right-eye projection involves

The view-transformed point tex2html_wrap_inline1650 projects onto tex2html_wrap_inline1662 and tex2html_wrap_inline1664 as follows:

Lukas Mroz
Tue Feb 9 12:46:24 MET 1999