2. Techniques for Effective/Efficient Visualizations Over the Internet

2.1. "VizWiz: A Java Applet for Interactive 3D Scientific Visualization on the Web", Michaels C. and Bailey M., in the Proceedings of Visualization'97, IEEE. An online prototype of the system can be found at VizWiz.

This paper describes a web-based visualization system implemented as JAVA Applet. The system is capable of handling serveral of the visualization techniques, namely Isosurfacce, cutting planes and elevation plots for 2 D and 3D datasets. users of the applet can also load these datasets to the server to a web server via a web browser. Within this paper, an evaluation study of the applet's performance on various platforms is also presented. Rather than showing exactly how the system would perform on those platforms, the author tried to give the audience a general idea of how the hardware configuration would affect the performance of the system indeed. The evaluation somehow proves that processor power has little impact on the performance while physical memory is the key.

Some key system features are concluded
(1) Platform independen (maybe) but it definatly has the ability to work across the heterougenous Internet environement (i.e. the internet).
(2) High performance, in terms of the response time for high volume data (using a smart caching mechanism).
(3) Ease of use,  no additional time required for the system during the initial setup stage for the users as the applet is downloaded and run automatically through the
     web browser.
(4) Certain level of Interactivity in terms of 'resolution control' (through a smart caching mechanism).

Some Tricks

     - Continues vs Flat shading Model:Since JAVA AWT API doesn't support continues polygon shading and it'd be computational expensive to construct
        images of shaded polygons (pixel by pixel), Flat shading is implemented for the polygons in a low resolution as less polygons will be generated and hence
        quicker the response time.
     - 'Hard' and 'Soft' update of the polygons display using Matrix3D matrix transformation (SUN): a combination of both techniques is implemented to further
        ensure a quick response time. 'Soft' updatetakes place most of the time while 'hard' update will only happen when the actual display of the polygons have been
        changed during a session.
     - Marching Cubes Simplification: The conventional Marching Cubes algorithm is simplified in order to increase the performance of polygons renderring. The
       system directly draws ploygons instead of renderring non-triangular cube slices.
     - Resolution Control: Users have the freedom to control the surface resolution whnever found necessary while most of the sufaces (polygons) are rendered at
        half resolution only (by default). This has improved the performance and increased the response time significantly.
     - Caching: This approach is to calculate the isosurface only once and store it in a cache for future use. Whenever an object is being calculated for the first time,
        the result is stored in a cache. There are caching for 'Cutting Planes' and 'Isosurface'. the caching mechanism is pretty much limited to the availability of the
        memory of a JAVA runtime environment. As a matter of fact, the VizWiz has to restart itself whenever it runs out of memory.

2.2. "Self-Organizing Map in Virtual Light", Juha Vesanto, diploma project.

This paper presents a system using a SOM (self-orgainized map) Unsupervised Artificial Neural Network approach to construct the mapping of high dimentional data sets. The network is implemented through Mathlab and the mathlab output is sent to for visualization. The visualization part is done through VRML. This implementation shows abstract presentation of complex high dimensional data in a 2D geometric relationship on a low end display.