Geometry Compression

Forschungsseminar WS98/99, Lukas Mroz

One of several possible scenarios of distribution in client/server visualization environments  is a setup where the server calculates the visualization and produces geometry data, which is then transmitted over a network and rendered at the client. As typical visualization applications like iso-surface extraction from volumetric data produce large amounts of geometry, efficient transmission of the data is crucial for smooth and efficient work. Applying various compression techniques to the geometry data to speed up the transmission is just one of several alternatives.

How to get Geometry Data over a Network?

Various Level of Detail (LOD)  approaches allow to first transmit a rough approximation of the geometry and to successively update and refine the representation as more data arrives (See talk of Markus Hadwiger). Several LOD encoders/decoders are available even as source code and only few changes have to be done to existing visualization setups to include LOD transmission. The most severe disadvantage of this approach is the slow LOD generation process: the fastest approaches can eliminate just about 5000 vertices/second. Compressing an  isosurface produced by the marching cubes on a 2563 data set (about 300K-3M triangles) on the fly would require an inacceptably long time.

Before being passed to the network , the geometry is compressed to reduce redundancy and the overall size of the data. While general-purpose compression techniques like LZW compression can be applied to geometry data, better compression ratios can be achieved if more specialized compression techniques are employed. Similar to the usage of LOD techniques, almost no modifications to existing visualization code are required. Up to 100kTri/s can be decompressed in software (~1.5mbit/s data stream) [2], compression is slower, but significantly faster than the generation of LODs. As compressing a large geometry data set is still not interactive, the accuracy of the visualization and thus the amount of geometry data should be controllable by the user.

The most effective approach which also requires most effort to implement is to adapt the way the visualization generates geometry to the needs of the network transmission. For example, output could be produced in a "progressive", LOD-like way, compressed and transmitted to the client. This can allow to reuse data transmitted for coarser levels of representation for building up more detailed levels and offers most flexibility.


Mesh Optimization

The first step to efficient encoding of geometry is the optimization of the way objects are built up from single triangles. First a short estimation: As objects usually consist of many triangles sharing edges and vertices, there are ways of exploiting this coherence to reduce the number of vertex repetitions:

Geometry Compression

The problem of geometry compression can be separated into two indepedent tasks: A typical geometry compression pipeline has several stages:

Java3D Binary Compression Format

The basic structure is a generalized triangle mesh. Connectivity and vertex data is intermixed. On average, 0.8 Vertices are stored per triangle. The resulting compressed stream is suited for hardware decompression.

Generalized triangle mesh: Three basic operations are available for building up triangles from a sequence of vertices. At each step three vertices are available to form a triangle: the one which is being currently added, the previous one (called middle) and the one before previous (oldest).

Java3D Vertex and Color Coding

Normal Vector Compression

Using 3 x float coordinates to specify normals allows to define 296 different normals. When evenly distributing normals on a unit sphere, normals differing by less than 0.01 radian can not be visually distinguished, thus 100000 different normals should be sufficient. This just invites to store a normal as an index into a look-up table. To reduce the size of the table and make it suitable for hardware implementation a more complex encoding scheme is used:
  • Exploit the symmetry of octants: use the 3 sign-bits of the normal to identify octant.
  • Exploit the symmetry of sextants within an octant: use 3 bits to identify the sextant.
  • use 2*6 bit to encode the u/v angles within a sextant instead of a single index to make delta encoding more efficient
  • 18 bit/normal, use delta encoding..

Compression Through Topological Surgery

[VRML compressed format]
  • Construct a vertex spanning tree with a minimum number of runs.

  • (A vertex sp. tree contains all vertices of the object exactly once)
  • Predict vertex positions for delta encoding by using the positions of 1-4 of it's ancestors in the tree.
  • Store tree: depth first traversal storage of vertex data, length of run + 2 bit for topology per node.
  • Cut mesh along vertex spanning tree (for objects not topologically equivalent to a sphere: vst with few additional edges). The result is the triangle spanning tree, a simply connected polygon. which can be represented as a binary tree of triangle runs.
  • Encoding of tree topology: length of run+1 bit indicating branch/leaf per node.
  • Create a vertex index table of the closed boundary of the triangle spanning tree
  • Encode triangles of a run: Store indices of the start vertices on the left and right side of the triangle run. Store "marching pattern": 1 bit to add next vertex on the left or right side
  • The "Y-Vertex" of split-triangles is stored implicitely (preprocessing step)
  • Maximize triangle strips generated at decoding: depth first to the first leaf node produces a single strip.

This compression method gains a factor of 20-100 depending of the accuracy of vertex position and attributes.



3D Geometry Compression, Siggraph'98 course notes.

Progressive Iso-Surface Extraction from Hierarchical 3D Meshes
Roberto Grosso, Thomas Ertl
in Proceedings EUROGRAPHICS'98, pp. C125-C135

Java 3D APi Specification: 3D Geometry Compression

VRML Compressed Binary Format