Parameter at Time-Control (InVis-System)

Every step of the visualization-pipeline can be controlled by a parameter, which determines quality and computing-time. The parameter is adapted interactively by a control-circuit to get nearly constant frame rates.

The parameter is normed to the range ]0..1], for making it possible to take influence on computation time of steps with quadratic expense linearly. A pipeline step works optimally on the maximum value of 1 and supplies worst acceptable quality on the minimum value of 0.

The total execution time is measured at any iteration to generate a new parameter for the next iteration. The difference to the next iteration can be calculated easily by the relation of execution time to expected frame rate because the parameter has nearly linear influence on execution time of each step.

The parameter is optimized at every iteration, therefore the deviation decreases very fast (3-5 iterations). Dependings from one step to the others are considered automatically.

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