Node Member List

This is the complete list of members for Node, including all inherited members.

addChild(const Node &)Node
addChild(size_t, const Node &)Node
calculateWeight(int) const Node [protected]
childPaddingNode [private, static]
childrenNode [private]
colorNode [private]
defaultColorNode [static]
doFixedLayout(float=0.f, float=2.f *M_PI, bool=true)Node [protected]
doLayout(float=2.f *M_PI)Node
doPlacement(float, float, float, int, bool=false, float=0.f)Node [protected]
doRestructedLayouts(const Node &, float=2.f *M_PI, bool=true)Node
findNode(const Node &, List< size_t > &) constNode
findNode(const Node &, Node &) const Node
findNode(const Node &) const Node
getChild(size_t) const Node
getColor() constNode
getDepth() constNode
getName() constNode
getNumChildren() constNode
getPhiRange(float &, float &) const Node
getWeight() constNode
Id typedefNode [private]
idNode [private]
idCounterNode [private, static]
nameNode [private]
Node(float=1.f, const std::string &="", Color color=defaultColor)Node [explicit]
Node(const Node &)Node
operator Polar() constNode
operator!=(const Node &) const Node
operator=(const Node &)Node
operator==(const Node &) const Node
phiNode [private]
phi0Node [private]
phi1Node [private]
rNode [private]
restruct(size_t) const Node [protected]
weightFactorNode [private]

Generated on Wed Jun 27 00:31:51 2007 for ARGL by  doxygen 1.5.2